Your Opportunity?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Written by Paul J. Jensen

I'll never forget the first meeting we attended where Dr. Chen began to teach us a
philosophy that was to change our lives and our health. He started the meeting by showing the
chemical structures of numerous herbs and showed how they worked...chemically. While we common
folk were scratching our heads, a medical doctor was sitting on the edge of his seat enthralled
with what Dr. Chen was teaching. Despite Dr. Chen's broken English, we began to understand this
philosophy...regeneration...and here is what we learned.

Historically, the Chinese have been the only people to develop an organized method for
recording and documenting the effects of herbs. Although there are many sources cataloging
herbs to some degree (usually 100 to 200 varieties), the Chinese---over the last 5000
years---have specialized in understanding thousands of herbs and their effect on the human body.
They are specialists in the usage of herbs. Their health, long life, and medical philosophies
reflect herbal knowledge.

The Chinese study of herbs began with one man eating an herb and recording the effects on
his body. Through the years this information was categorized and organized until it was an
exact Chinese science. Their gathering of information is 'observed experience.' Today,
scientists draw conclusions about future human response. Then, as the product of this
experimentation is used by humans, experience shows whether the scientific conclusions were
healthful or harmful. (Please note the difference between experience and experiment.) The
Chinese took the first approach. Their knowledge is based on 5,000 years of experience with
herbs and is neither theoretical or experimental. They know what effects herbs have on the
human body.

With this experience, the Chinese have classified all herbs into three groups. The first
is called 'food herbs'. These herbs do not control the body, but as food, will feed the body
nutritionally and support proper functioning and self-regulation. The second group is called
'medicinal herbs'. These herbs will control body functions similarly to drugs commonly used in
the medical profession today. The third group is 'poisonous herbs'. These herbs will cause
death or extreme illness.

With this categorical approach to herbs came two approaches. The PHILOSOPHY OF
REGENERATION states that the human body is fully capable of building a strong, healthy, balanced
body, when the body obtains proper 'whole food nutrition'. With good nutrition, the body
creates the energy necessary to function properly. Add good eating habits, exercise, and
positive mental attitudes, and a person can develop excellent physical strength and health.

An opposing philosophy is SUBSTITUTION, which states that when body function does not work
properly or ceases to work at all, it becomes necessary to institute "crisis management." The
use of controlling substances (herbs or drugs) wither stimulates the function so it works or
gives it a rest so that it might regain strength to begin functioning on its own. It is called
substitution, because a drug, herb, or chemical is used as a substitute for a function the body
was designed to perform on its own. Both principles have their place.

Unfortunately, substituting tends to create negative effects, and the problem is not
solved. First, it creates greater weakness of the body function. Like your muscles, of a body
function isn't used, it weakens until it dies. This is called atrophy.

Second, when the function ceases to operate, the body creates a dependency on the

Third, substitution rarely only affects the function it is intended to help. There are
almost always side effects, many of which are dangerous to good health. If you take a
substitute to help with high blood pressure, it may cause nausea. Then if you take a substitute
for nausea, it may cause dizziness. Then you take a substitute for goes on and

The Chinese have found from experience that certain food herbs feed specific systems of the
body. From this information, they developed food formulas to feed specific systems of the body.
Now, suppose you have a stomach-ache. You decide to see if the digestive function can be
regenerated by giving it proper nutrition. You eat the herbs the Chinese have used for years to
FEED the digestive system. The body then takes the nutrients from those herbs and feeds the
digestive system. As the digestive system receives these nutrients it is now once again, able
to do its intended function.

THIS IS REGENERATION. The body obtains the proper nutrients through whole foods, then
utilizes the energy and elements necessary for the body to function properly and regenerates

Three Principles of Health

1. The body has the ability to create balance and health when given proper nutrition.

2. This proper nutrition must come from WHOLE Foods.

3. YOU must take responsibility for your own health.

Sunrider Products assist the body in regeneration!