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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Kandesn Ingredients - *Kandesn is food for the external body*

Date: October 24, 2001 3:35:27 PM PDT
Subject: Kandesn Ingredients

I have a distributor with an ingredient question.  With your Kandesn knowledge,
perhaps you might have an answer. Please know that I have total confidence in Drs. Chens' formulations and if an ingredient is included in any food or Kandesn product,
I believe it is in there for a good reason.  But not everyone is at that 100% total confidence in Sunrider position.

So I have been pursuing an answer for my distributor who is concerned with an ingredient abbreviated PGE1 or PEG which is in the OiLin liquid soap.  She tells me
it is a petroleum base and a Washington lobbyist against the cosmetic industry lists it
as a bad ingredient.  Could you please provide me with any information that would be helpful for my distributor, (name deleted for privacy sake).  Thank you so much in advance for your assistance.
Thank you so much.



Dear Sandy,

First of all, I am not a chemist, pharmacist or scientist.  Does your concerned distributor
have any of these credentials or working knowledge of cosmetic formulations in her background?  If not, then her concern is based on information she has either heard or read, with good reason, as the marketplace is flooded with poor quality products being
sold at high prices through Madison Avenue advertising strategies, unlike Sunrider's
Person-to-Person Networking Approach.

I will share what I asked Dr. Chen publicly at his Seattle meeting with 125 distributors present...."what are your thoughts about the many published books today that talk about
the harmful ingredients in cosmetics such as propylene glycol, that it should not be used in cosmetics?"  His answer was, "too much is not good, but a little is okay to use, and with SR products we do not have to use much because of our concentration and formulation." That satisfied my question because I've had leaders who have called me
to say that they have a distributor that read a "Kandesn" ingredient label and got upset,  saying "there are "toxic ingredients in Kandesn products"!!!!  The question we must
ask ourselves is: does this distributor have the knowledge to determine what is toxic
and what is safe?  I believe that, first of all, Dr. Chen produces each of his products
for himself, his wife Dr. Oi-Lin Chen, his five children, then and only then.......for all Sunriders throughout the world.  Do you think a world renowned herbalist and pharmacologist would put any ingredients in any amounts that would be toxic to the
skin, respiratory system, etc.?????  No, I do not believe he would.  Those of us who
have heard Dr. Chen speak, who have seen the results of both SR foods and Kandesn products on ourselves and the hundreds and even thousands of people from around the world, have come to trust the integrity of SR product formulations without picking apart an ingredient label to compare it against a book that was written with the good intention of alarming people to the detrimental effects of toxic ingredients in cosmetics because we know that many commercial cosmetic and skin care products are harmful to the skin.  However, Kandesn products are individually formulated by Dr. Chen, for the benefit
of his family and his SR family.  When those who have little or no expertise begin to isolate a formula and criticize the whole as being toxic, I liken it to "Great-Granma's Oatmeal Raisin Cookies" because any lay person could look at the "baking soda" and cry out, TOXIC COOKIES....DO NOT EAT!!!!!!!!!!!

In looking up the ingredient you mentioned on the Oi-Lin Shampoo label called PEG-7 and all its related references in the book entitled "A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic
Ingredients" (one of those books that even I use with discernment) I could see the bad
if I wanted to and cry "wolf" or I could see the good benefits and say that the fraction
that Dr. Chen uses in the formula is in it for good reason or he would not have used
it.  One thing I've learned about Kandesn products from Dr. Chen is that it has a very long shelf life, does not go rancid easily, can be distributed around the world, yet remains highly active to bring regenerative benefits to the cells of the skin.  If one wants to use skin care products that only contain the names of vegetables and plants on the labels,
ingredients that their mind can recognize, there are European products that can be purchased but they would go rancid much faster than you might want it to as you
would have to replace it with another purchase and another expenditure. This was something Dr. Chen told me in a conversation we had about the kinds of ingredients
he uses in Kandesn products and why, and I have come to trust that there is always a reason he adds a particular ingredient that appears to be a "chemical" yet most cosmetic ingredients have "pharmaceutical names" even if they were derived from plants.  SR
ships Kandesn products around the world, changing faces for the better with very little returned product from unsatisfied customers, and those Sunriders keep looking younger all the time.  If you could attend SR International Grand Conventions year after year like I have been blessed with (this Long Beach convention will be my 16th convention since my first in 1985 when Kandesn was first introduced as a new product line along with the Vitalite Program for Weight Management) and could see for yourself how Sunriders have skin that glows and keeps looking healthier and healthier as they "age," I know your skeptical distributors would be more willing to simply trust that SR is "Simply the Best" than have fun on the SR Journey.  My skin changed so much that my external appearance actually "converted" my very skeptical and resistant sister, Karilyn, to become a Kandesn and Fortune Delight consumer because I told her that the "drink" would make her skin more beautiful!!!!!!!  She had noticed that my once problem skin had transformed and asked, "why does your skin look so much better, is it the skin care you're using?"  Of course, my answer to her was that it was all the good SR herbal nutrition that's been going into my body for years so my organs became healthier, then
along with the Kandesn Skin Care products I was using on the outside it was really
"Beauty from Within AND Without."  Some of you know the rest of the story as it pertains to my sister who is now a dedicated SR Director who left her 30 year career
in the travel industry to pursue building her own SR business 2 years ago.....all because
of MY GLOWING KANDESN LOOK.......she was not ready to discuss REGENERATION and HEALTH but did want to look more beautiful!!!!!

I hope my response helps you to continue leading others into a "fearless" view of SR product formulations, depending on our own confidence in Sunrider's company owners, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, and the list goes on and on.  I am not an herbalist, scientist, chemist, pharmacist, or doctor, but I HAVE BEEN A PRODUCT OF SR PRODUCTS SINCE 1984 and that speaks for itself.....just as each person's SR Story speaks louder than intellectual debates about SR Foods and Kandesn Skincare and Cosmetics.

Marilyn Okita Matt