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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Q & A Does Sr help ADHD?

Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 2:03 PM

Dear Sunriders:
    It is interesting that I got the article forwarded to me on ADHD, and a question from someone else asking if SR can help.
    Now we know that Attention Deficit-hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) they are finally learning is definitely caused from Nutritional deficiency.  Our foods have become so chemicialized, and for the most part many people like the Ostrich, have their head buried in the sand.  But now is the wake up time and people are being more aware that the food we eat really does have something to do with our health and wellness level. 
    Like the article I have quoting from the government, that "Artificial fertilizer, leads to artificial foods, that lead to artificial people."  Interesting chain of events here, isn't it?  Are we now seeing with so many more health challenges and conditions that were unheard of 50 years ago?  ADHD is just one of many.
    I see in my community little children that play with my grandson, little boys that are definitely affected by this.  My house is a nightmare when they come to play.  One little boy seems to turn our house upside down, looking for candy.  They are so unruly, it is hard to have them around.  When any one of these children come, our house is a war zone after they leave.  They are just simply uncontrollable. An adult has to be with them so they don't kill each other.  And I am talking 5 and 6 year olds.  And when they grow up?  It just gets worse.  We hear news about horrible things our teenagers are doing?  And we blame guns, like in the Columbine Shootings?  I had heard that those boys that did the shootings were all on Prosaic, a drug for depression.
    Those of us who understand the effects of nutrition or the lack of it, really have some work to do to share the good news and hope of our wonderful Chinese concentrated foods with the world.  After reading this article, prevention would have been the place to start.  The parents, before they ever conceived with a child, should make absolute sure they are eating good foods.  But most are not aware that this is the place it starts.  I don't want to get to religious here, but in the Bible somewhere it says that the sins of the parents shall be on the heads of their children.  This thought comes to mind when I see these ADHD kids in my neighborhood.  And the parents would be offended, if something was said to them.
    So what can be done with SR?
    Before pregnancy is where it begins.  I have a married daughter who is expecting her fifth child.  Every time I see her, I ask her if she is taking plenty of SR?  She assures me that she is.  Good for her.
    So what should an expectant Mother eat in SR?  Basically the same thing we all eat in SR. Including ADHD children or adults.  The basic NBC's of SR or equivalent to the Sun Pack for beginners.  So for anyone new that means: N=Nourish: We Nourish with VitaShake, two at least a day, or Nu Plus, your choice, or a combination of both.  Vita Shake is a perfect food especially for pregnancy and hyperactive children. Making a smoothie with organic soy milk, rice milk, almond milk makes a wonderful breakfast.  It can be added to cereal if you want. Be creative and adapt to the taste buds of the person who is eating it.  Just EAT IT!  We often make a smoothie for Jeremy, our grandson, by taking good Apple Juice, or orange juice, adding a banana, some frozen berries, whatever you want.  And this is basic for everyone.  Just one caution, ADHD kids don't do well with apples or apple Juice, so don't use that for them. 
    We also nourish with Quinary, the five element food.  This nourishes the five systems of the body, 1. Assimilation with Assimilaid. 2. Circulatory system with Lifestream, 3. Endocrine Glandular system with Prime Again, 4. Respiratory or Lymphatic system with Conco, And 5, Immune or defense system with Alpha 20 C.  The Quinary comes in capsules or powder.  You can purchase all five formulas combined together, or purchase them individually, It is your choice.  And everyone can take it.  I have given it to my last baby, Randy.  It was a good thing we had SR as he inherited my very weak immune system.  But thank goodness he was not hyper or ADHD.
    Sunectar or Sunny Dew: What a blessing this food is to many, but especially to an expecting Mother or a ADHD child.  It nourishes the pancreas, helping to balance blood sugar levels.  This is very important as ADHD children seem to crave the sugar and very things that set them off. Foods with red food coloring should be avoided, as well as sugary foods.  You can help them switch to Sunny Dew.
    Calli and Fortune are great beverages to switch from all the bad drinks that kids love.  The soda pops of many names and brands should absolutely be avoided.  And if they have nutra sweet, aspartame or any form of it in the drinks or food, this is even more devastating to people, because it affect their brain function.  We keep warning people not to eat foods with these chemicals in them, but many ignore the warning.  Some will listen and many won't as the do not want to change and are addicted to their diet Pepsi or whatever they love to drink.  And that is their choice.
    Calli and Fortune are great beverages, as they are rich in anti-oxidents, Vit C, E. and A plus so many more minerals, that help to balance the electrolites in the body.  We can replace water with these wonderful, tasty beverages.  The more we drink the better we feel, and the more healthy we become.  For those expecting mothers who want to help not gain weight during pregnancy, wow what a blessing for them to drink something healthy.  Nutrasweet causes brain damage in unborn babies, and also causes birth defects.  Why would anyone knowingly eat these chemicals while pregnant? One article I have from Canada, says that they have proven that even one stick of chewing gum with Nutrasweet in it can negatively affect a fetus.  And nutrasweet given to an already ADHD child is just merely poison, and will make them worse. 
    These are the basic foods, We nourish with Vita Shake, Quinary and Sunny Dew/Sunectar or in other countries it is marketed by the name of Suncare.  They are all a product made from the herb Stevia, which is absolutely wonderful for the body.
    We C= Cleanse with Calli and Fortune, like fruits.
    And B= Balance.  So when we nourish and cleanse, it helps our bodies to come back to balance, or attain a higher level of wellness.  Isn't that what we want?  It is so simple
    Then we can fine tune, by adding more SR's products if we choose.
    For ADHD, if my child suffered with  this condition, this what I would make sure he gets:
    Vita Spray which is instantly absorbed into the body all vitamins and minerals, along with extra Vitamin B 6 and 12.  This is calming to the nervous system. 
    Herb Cal: This is a very excellent herbal source of calcium.  Another food to nourish the nerves, bones, teeth muscles etc.  We all need it, especially an expectant mother.
    Ese, Top and Joi: Yes the Jet set giving to a hyper active child can do wonders for the child and the parents.  The ESE nourishes the nero transmitters.  The nervous sytem is what has been damaged by lack of the nutrition.  So the thought waves and messages from the brain are on a very slow track.  There needs to be a certain nutritional balance to of minerals to make the never messages jump or arc from one nerve sheath to the other and move on.  With ADHD people, this process is very slow, so then the body reacts by being hyper.  The Ese seems to supply the missing nutirents, and helps this process in a natural way, and not speeded up with a speed drug, called ritalin.  This drug helps, but has serious side effects, one being that the child as they enter puberty, if they continue taking this drug, causes infertility. 
    Top nourishes the part of the brain that produces the proper balance of brain chemistry.  Wow, this is really needed for these people. 
    Joi nourishes the skeletal and muscular system.  Again, having a calming effect.
    Action Caps for Hyper activity?  Yes, I learned from some naturopathic Doctors who use SR in their practice, that they recommend Action Caps for these type of children.  Their thinking again is more of a substitution theory thinking, but it works, as well or better than ritalin in my opinion and experience.  The action caps help give the body energy by helping the metabolism of turning fat into energy.  This energy helps the nero transmitter problem, and there for gives the child a more relaxed behavior.  If it works, why not? 
    Why not try a really good multi vitamin, like Meta Balance 44.  This is a multivitamin containing 44 different nutrients that the body needs.  This is a great pre natal vitamin for expectant mothers, and also great for children that can swallow.  Although, I have pierced the capsule with a pin or needle and squeeze the ingredient in a spoon and added Sunectar to the spoon and fed it to my babies.  It can be done. The taste is not great this way, but can be masked. Babies don't have developed taste buds to much anyway, so I was able to get it in.  Dr. Chen developed this product years ago as a project when he was teaching Chemistry 400 at BYU here in Utah.  His goal was to have a multi vitamin made from natural ingredients that COULD BE ASSIMILATED!  This is the most important thing about taking a multi vitamin is that most are so chemicalized, that the body cannot really accept and assimilate the nutrients into the cells, so the vitamins are usually soughed off by the body, and not utilized.  This is really imparative.
    There are many other SR foods that could be considered, but I think this is the place to start.
    I felt really impressed I needed to write this today, even though I have many other commitments with my family. I know it needs to be edited.  If someone would be so kind to do it for me, I would appreciate it. 
    I hope this helps.  I feel urgent for the future of our babies, children and grand children, we need some education, and help to prevent more children in the future from being affected.  Wow remember the statistics
    Quoting from the article:  ADHD Linked to Nutritional Deficiency: 
   "Eleven million prescriptions are written by doctors each year for methylphenidate [Ritalin), 80 percent of those to treat ADHD.  Nearly 4 million children take Ritalin today, compared to 1 million in l990, and over 90 percent of Ritalin is used in the US.  Over the last 20 years, ADHD has become the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorder, a condition that was essentially nonexistent 50 years ago. But currently there is no definitive test for ADHD and many of the symptoms that children show are very ordinary problematic behaviors.  "
    This really gives us something to think about doesn't it.  And here we have SR right under our noses, and may not be aware of the benifit it could have not only for prevention of more children being born with it, but to help those we already have. 
    I think it is high time for a change.  To me it is the only way.  SR can make the best of a bad situation.
   Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sorry for the hurry.
    Sharon Farnsworth