1. New IBO Presentation Online!
2. Drs. Chen Launch North American ABO Training
3. Sunrider Leaving MySpace
New IBO Presentation Online!
2009-04-29 23:56
Sunrider International - Sunrider
There's a new and improved IBO Presentation now online for USA Sunriders. It includes new slides of Dr. Chen's Philosophy of Regeneration™! Click here.
Drs. Chen Launch North American ABO Training
2009-04-29 16:07
Sunrider International - Sunrider

Drs. Chen launched Sunrider's first North American Authorized Business Owner (ABO) training on Monday, April 27, at World Headquarters. This three-day training is being attended by eager Business Leaders from the USA and Canada who are ready to open a store immediately after returning home.
Mrs. Chen and Sunny Beutler led the first day's training, which focused on where and how to open a store, and store designs, exteriors, and interiors.
The training event is off to a great start with our bright ABOs learning the crucial components in running a successful franchise-like business.
Sunrider Leaving MySpace
2009-04-28 22:22
Sunrider International - MySpace
Sunrider has decided not to continue our presence on MySpace after our profile, with all of its content, was removed recently without warning. We are disappointed and frustrated about this situation, as we put a lot of time and effort into our site and enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to interact and share ideas online with our many MySpace friends. We weren't notified beforehand of any possible problem or violation of MySpace policies, nor were we provided the specific reason (which we requested) for our termination after our profile was removed.
Rest assured Sunrider used a very strong password to protect our MySpace profile, and actively monitored/moderated the profile for inappropriate content.
Our research indicates this is not an uncommon situation; we've a come across a number of people complaining about MySpace profiles being deleted without any prior notification or subsequent explanation.
We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience the removal of the Sunrider MySpace profile may have caused. Please note that we greatly value our online presence (which helps us stay in touch with Sunriders around the world!) and will continue to post on Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, and YouTube.
Rest assured Sunrider used a very strong password to protect our MySpace profile, and actively monitored/moderated the profile for inappropriate content.
Our research indicates this is not an uncommon situation; we've a come across a number of people complaining about MySpace profiles being deleted without any prior notification or subsequent explanation.
We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience the removal of the Sunrider MySpace profile may have caused. Please note that we greatly value our online presence (which helps us stay in touch with Sunriders around the world!) and will continue to post on Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, and YouTube.