Calli®—full of flavor and healthy benefits!
2009-02-20 22:53
Sunrider International

Dr. Chen's innovative processing methods combined with his vast knowledge of herbs and traditional Chinese medicine have resulted in a product line of herbal-based formulations that are unmatched in quality, concentration, and effectiveness. As you see, although it's true that Calli® Herbal Beverage is "steeped in Sunrider tradition," its rich flavor and nutrients make it a modern "Super-Tea."
Many Sunrider employees like to enjoy Calli® at work and in their homes. Read on to see what some of them have to say and for more detailed info about this delicious, nutritious beverage.
More and more people are enjoying the great taste and aroma of Calli®, and the way it makes them look and feel. Many Sunrider employees like to enjoy Calli® at work and in their homes. Read on to see what some of them have to say, and for more detailed info about this delicious, nutritious beverage.
"As an avid tea drinker, I have to admit that Sunrider makes one of the best teas available in the market. The product is always fresh, with a strong distinctive flavor in every sip. Plus, it's 100% natural and is produced in an environmentally friendly way. Thanks Sunrider for your delicious products."
Isa Akcayoglu
Production Information Dept.
"The Calli® Mint is very soothing after a meal! And Calli® seems to alleviate some of my allergy symptoms, including clearing my nasal passages, which makes things much more bearable."
Victoria Monroe
Order Dept.
"Calli® is a delicious and healthy drink—it's my everyday favorite! It also helps me manage my weight and makes me feel great."
Maria Yao
Order Dept.
"I definitely like drinking the Calli® Night; it has a great invigorating taste, yet is soothing. And it's a great way to end a long day. Calli® Night puts me right to sleep and allows me to wake up feeling refreshed."
Mary Rodriquez
Order Department
Product Information
Calli® is an all-natural herbal tea and a healthful alternative to beverages with added caffeine, sugar, and chemicals. It contains antioxidants to protect the body from free radicals, and the unique herbal extracts in the formula assist the body's natural cleansing process.
Features & Benefits
- Highly concentrated: One Calli® bag makes multiple cups of delicious tea.
- Helps speed the body's natural process of cleansing and elimination.
- Rich in antioxidants and pleasantly aromatic.
- Uniquely formulated and based on the Philosophy of Regeneration™.
Proprietary Formula
Contains catechins, which are naturally occurring antioxidants found in Camellia sinensis, a primary ingredient of Calli®. Antioxidants have been shown to be effective in absorbing cell-damaging free radicals.
Market Appeal
- Great replacement for coffee, other teas, and sugary beverages.
- Made with all-natural herbal extracts.
- Available in three delicious daytime flavors and one for nighttime relaxation.
- An ideal product for introducing Sunrider.
Recommended Use
Steep one Calli® bag in 16 ounces (480 ml) of water for five minutes. Drink it daily as part of a healthy lifestyle.
- Regular
- Mint
- Cinnamon
- Night
- Ten 2.5-gram bags
- Sixty 2.5-gram bags
You can order Calli® from the Sunrider Shop Online website!