1. May Sunrider Conference Call with Aadil & Mirra
2. Dr. Tei-Fu Chen Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
3. xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 1 new item
4. xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 1 new item
5. Strengthening the body and community with Sunrider.
6. Are SR products G.E. and Organic
7. xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 1 new item
8. xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 1 new item
9. xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 1 new item
10. xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 10 new items
11. Colonoscopy Video-Time to Detox!
12. Sunrider's Chinese Goldenseal Root
13. Sunrider's Bella
14. Sunrider FAQ
15. Stevia News, Tips, Information, Frequently Asked Questions [www.cookingwithstevia.com/stevia_faq.html]
16. Sunrider SunSmile Herbal Toothpaste
17. Sunrider Philosophy, Company & Nutrition an Introduction (Active Link)
18. Sunrider Conference Call with Aadil Palkhivala & Mirra on Monday 12/3/07 5:30-6:30pm
19. Aadil Palkhivala and Mirra will host a Sunrider Conference Call today
20. Sharon Stone's Beauty Secrets ("I like Sunrider Calli tea, an herbal cleansing tea.") [Harper's Bazaar]
21. Sunrider's Kandesn® & Oi-Lin® Skin Care & Color Cosmetics
22. Sunrider's Kandesn skin care from a professional's perspective
23. Aadil Palkhivala on Elements Of Purna Yoga - Video (active link)
24. Sunrider Conference Call on November 19th, 5:30-6:30 (PST)
May Sunrider Conference Call with Aadil & Mirra
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
with Aadil Palkhivala & Mirra
May 12, 2008
5:30-6:30pm (PST)
Join Aadil and Mirra for their monthly Sunrider conference call. They
spend the first half hour talking about the products, company,
philosophy of regeneration, and benefits. The last half hour is about
creating prosperity and wealth with Sunrider.
Todays focus will be on replacement products and how to make Sunrider
easy to share!
To Participate in the Call
Dial: (712) 432-1620
Participant Access Code: 867129#
To Listen to the Recorded Call
Dial: (712) 432-1282
Recorded Access Code: 867129#
To Listen to Archived Calls Online
Go to: www.aadil.com/sunrider.htm
*updates are usually posted within 1 week after the call
Upcoming Calls
June 2, 2008
August 4, 2008
September 22, 2008
November 10, 2008
Please join us!
Sara Olea
The Innerworks Company
(425) 885-7026
Dr. Tei-Fu Chen Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Dr. Tei-Fu Chen Receives Lifetime Achievement Award. Fortune Delight®
is Awarded with Top Brand Award
The 2008 Asia-Pacific Economy Council was held in Beijing, January 18–
20. Part of the program included recognizing Chinese people for
outstanding achievements in various endeavors around the world, with
individual awards given in ten categories. Dr. Tei-Fu Chen was granted
the "World Economy Top 10 Lifetime Achievement Award Chinese." Winners
were determined from a list of nominees and based on votes from the
general public as well as evaluation and votes from the Expert
Accreditation Committee.
The event was hosted by the Research Centre of State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State
Council, the Global Competitive Organization, and the China Recycle
Economy Research Centre. Participating organizations included well-
known companies such as the Morgan Group, the U.S. Federal Reserve
Bank, and UBS. The event also attracted more than 300 experts,
scholars, and entrepreneurs from various fields.
Dr. Chen's achievement was highly acclaimed and well recognized by the
Organizing Committee, with one member saying: "Dr. Chen has made
remarkable achievements in the area of human health-care technology.
He established Sunrider as a global enterprise and benefited society
with his scientific and research findings. As such, he has already
become a role model for overseas Chinese and people will never forget
what he has contributed."
Awards were also presented to recognize enterprises, products, and
cities for achievement excellence and contributions to society. In the
product category, Sunrider's Fortune Delight® was awarded the title of
"World Health-Care Products Brands Top 100." In addition, the
Organizing Committee also appointed Fortune Delight® as the official
health-care product of the event. Dr. Chen received the award
certificates and the Lifetime Achievement trophy in person during the
presentation ceremony and shared the honor with everyone in attendance.
© 2007 The Sunrider Corporation d.b.a. Sunrider International. All
rights reserved.
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noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
1. Dr. and Mrs. Chen Host a Truly Korean Experience at the 2008 Leadership Training Seminar in Korea
Dr. and Mrs. Chen Host a Truly Korean Experience at the 2008...
Sunrider International

We started off on a blissful Sunday morning on 16th March, to Chuncheon and Namiseom Island, which are the location places for the shooting of that famous Korean drama, "Winter Sonata". This is one of the most popular TV series in Korea, Hong Kong, China, Japan and even Malaysia. The series is built around the romance of falling in love for the first time….. and for all time (sigh …) Well, you should have been there to see, touch and experience all the lovely mementoes, souvenirs, pictures and the actual settings where the filming was done. I'm quite sure you would be just as swept off your feet by the romance of it all!

The Monday morning of 17th March saw us at Mt. Sorak National Park. It was really the most awesome experience for all of us. Everything was covered with snow (well, almost everything!). The Park's spiky mountain peaks, crystal clear ponds, rock formations, valleys and waterfalls were so serene, just like a Korean painting.

We explored Abai Village, which is the filming location of another famous Korean series, "Endless Love". Abai Village has the distinction of being the heroine, Eun-Seo's hometown. As we walked along the quaint homes and stores that were reminiscent of the '60s and '70s, we felt really connected to the tragic heroine and how she must have felt when she had to leave her lover.
We also visited the majestic Shinheung Temple, a massive and beautiful architecture which was built by a monk named Chanjang during the Shilla Dynasty. We easily agreed with our Guide that this is by far the most impressive temple in the Sorak Mountain area!

Well, all this made us pretty adventurous ……. for some retail therapy! Our guide took us to Dongdaemun Market, one of the major markets in Korea with over 20 shopping malls that specialize in wholesale clothing, and we found some very good bargains for clothes, accessories and shoes.

On Wednesday 19th March, Dr. and Mrs. Chen hosted a leadership training seminar for a small group of selected IBOs. They were given very extensive training on business concept, the importance of setting optimum goals, business building, and duplication. They also were trained on frequently asked questions, new IBOs training, leadership and recognition.
Concurrent with this training seminar, the rest of our IBOs toured Sunrider Korea's new office. They were very impressed with the office and took many photos to share with their downlines.
Later, this group of IBOs continued with the last day of the tour and visited a Kimchi factory for an inside look at Korea's most relished food. Kimchi, as many would know, is the country's national heritage and the main staple of Korean daily diet. We learnt that it is traditionally prepared with Chinese cabbage, red pepper, garlic, salted fish, ginger and other natural ingredients, then stored underground in clay containers to ferment for at least four weeks.

Our IBOs were excited and thrilled with the Chens' presence. They found Dr. Chen's advice on promoting SR's potential income and SR's products, aiming for the optimum goal, and recruiting more than 10 IBOs every month particularly useful. They also felt that they understood more clearly why Sunrider is better than a franchise business and the role of IBOs in the Company.
Our IBOs were nervous when Mrs.Chen took over the rest of the session as they were aware that Mrs.Chen would ask them how they conducted their New IBOs Training as well as the FAQs.
However, Mrs. Chen put everyone at ease, and when she called participants to answer her questions, they actually found the experience fun, enjoyable and challenging, albeit slightly nerve-wrecking!
In fact, our IBOs were grateful when Mrs. Chen pointed out their mistakes, as they felt that they could remember better this way. Under Mrs. Chen's training, they understood why such training should be conducted regularly especially for new IBOs.

Another highlight was when Dr. and Mrs. Chen went on stage to sing, and were greeted by overwhelming applause. The Chens also invited the leaders from the VIP table to sing on stage, and our leaders did just that! Our leaders drew a lot of support from the audience for their hearty, albeit slightly off-tune, singing and everyone enjoyed the fun of it all.

Shirley Tay
Director of Regional Operations
Sunrider Malaysia
*The earnings stated are not necessarily representative or typical of the earnings Sunrider Independent Business Owners can or will earn through participation in the Sunrider Compensation Plan. These statements should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. As with any other independent business, success results only from dedicated sales efforts, hard work, diligence, and leadership.
xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 1 new item
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
The 2008 Arnold Sports Festival was a big hit for Sunrider...
Sunrider International

Sunrider as Sponsor
One of the main reasons Sunrider started sponsoring the Arnold Sports Festival in 2006 was to provide financial support to showcase top athletes from China. This event also provides a great venue to introduce the attendees to a successful worldwide company that has been providing "Health and Wealth" to the world for over 25 years. Sunrider was delighted this year to sponsor Zhang Jie and his teammate Lu Changliang, junior weightlifting champions from the Chinese Weightlifting Association. Both of these amazing athletes wowed the crowds on center stage with their performances as shown below.
Although I've always enjoyed bodybuilding as a hobby, I became really excited about competing in the sport because of Sunrider's sponsorship presence at the event and being surrounded by thousands of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Last year, I set a personal goal to compete in my first amateur bodybuilding show and I took third place in the lightweight division. A few months later I found out that my third place finish had qualified me to compete at the 2nd annual amateur bodybuilding competition during the Arnold Sports Festival. Sunrider was already planning to send me back in 2008 as a sponsor representative anyways, so now I could also participate "on stage" instead of just watching from a distance—this was to be the perfect mix of business and pleasure!
All in all Sunrider was honored to participate both as a sponsor and as a competitor during this very special anniversary year for the Arnold Sports Festival.
John Teng
Photos courtesy of and copyright 2008 John Teng
Strengthening the body and community with Sunrider.
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Are SR products G.E. and Organic
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Dear Sunriders:
As we are sponsoring more new people into Sunrider, questions come up by our new distributor. Such a question has come to me about SR plants that DR. Chen uses in our food products, being Genetically Modified?
The simple answer is NO. Emphatically NO.
I forwarded the question to Mrs. Chen. Her answer backed me up. Sunrider Products that use plants, are NOT Genetically Engineered, Modified or Altered in any way.
I responded back to our new distributor the following letter, giving my personal experience on the subject.
You may want to make this question clearly answered for all your new distributors you sponsor or who are in your downline.
Here is my answer. I hope it helps you share Sunrider products with confidence. Our products are CLEAN AND GREEN. Which means to me they are environmentally safe and friendly!!
Dr. Chen mentioned at convention that 70%- to 75% of all ingredients used in our household products were unsafe and contained toxic ingredients that were harmful to our body.
Folks, as I have said before, it is my belief that Sunrider products in today's world could be the POLLUTION SOLUTION!
Thanks for your commitment and loyalty. We appreciate you.
Sharon Farnsworth
Dear Wayne:
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it on to the Chens.
But I would like to take the opportunity to discuss the issue with you.
First of all there is no world wide standards for organic.
My husband is a farmer here in Utah, and even here in Utah there are no standards like California for organic.
So we are talking terms that mean different things to different people. Is that fair? So to have it in writing may not apply to every country, as SR is an International company, dealing in about 35 or more different countries.
So again we are talking legal terms, aren't we?
But let me explain what I tell people in my presentations. I like to take the company profile and show the botanical gardens. I explain that SR owns 1000 acres of land high up in the tops of the mountains in Taiwan. It is close to a town called Gaee. (And that is not the correct spelling, just how it sounds.)
A few years ago, Sunrider sponsored a convention in Taiwan and Hong Kong. At that time l8 bus loads of USA Sunriders were privileged to visit the Botanical Gardens in Taiwan. I was the captain of our bus. When we arrived at the botanical gardens, we were met by The Chens. Dr. Tie Fu became our personal guide. I was so impressed, and so was my husband who farms.
I then took Dr. Chen by surprise by asking him questions. I asked him what type of fertilizer he used. He said they only used sea vegetation. Then I asked him what kind of pesticides and spray they used. He said they didn't use any. I asked him how they could do that.
His answer was a real learning experience for me. DR Chen said, "When the soil is balanced with nutrition or the elements the plants need that the plant is healthy and resists the bugs, just like when we have a healthy body, it is more resistant to disease." He said they might get an occasional bug, but nothing to worry about. If his workers find a bug, they just squish it.
My husband was so impressed that DR Chen could raise 1000 acres of so many different kind of plants for research and do it in our terms, "organically" that he came home with a new resolve. That if Dr. Chen could do it, he could do it. My husband John then proceeded to tear up over 4000 apple trees to start over organically. He is still working on that project. This year we have and are harvesting apples peaches, tomatoes, melons, cucumbers squash, many different varieties of peppers, Zucchini and yellow squash and more. It is all nearly organic. And I can tell you the flavor is out of this world.
Another thing I learned from Dr. Chen is that there is a direct correlation to the size, flavor, taste and nutritional content of our food. The better it tastes, the more nutrients it contains. I can testify this is true. The produce we raise on our 25 Acer Sandy farm and our 950 Acer Lake View farm tastes so much better than the produce we can purchase else where, but mostly compared to the grocery stores. Those tomatoes taste like cardboard in comparison to a vine ripened healthy organic tomatoes.
I do know that Dr. Chin's research at the botanical gardens has earned him an honorary doctorate degree from the Chinese Cultural University in Taiwan.
I do know that Dr. Chen requires all the farmers that raise herbs that go into our foods, to raise them to his standards, (which is probably higher than organic) or he will not use their crops. These herbs are tested and tasted when they are purchased and arrive at our processing plants, rather they are in Taiwan, USA, China Singapore or now India. If they do not meet Dr. Chens standard of growing, they are rejected and not used. Common sense will tell anyone who understands the enhancement and concentration processing, that he can't make nutrients and concentrate them, if they are not there to begin with.
Another thing that I have been very impressed with is that Dr. Chen had herb masters that at the botanical gardens would taste the finished product for quality taste etc. These tea masters could actually tell you the name of the farmer who had raised the particular herbs that were used in that particular batch, just from the taste.
Another thing you might be interested to know is that our herbs are taken to a plant in Hong Kong where they are hand cleaned. That means they are cleaned by people by hand, to make sure there is no foreign object or elements in the herbs. They are then put into barrels, sealed. And stamped by the USA agricultural department. There is an officer employed to inspect our herbs for cleanliness.
When they are shipped into the USA for instance, all herbs by law that are not inspected prior to their entry to the USA have to be irradiated and fumigated. The law is that 10% of the whole of herbs imported into the USA can be something other than the herb listed on the label. That means that little insects or mouse droppings could be in there. All of Sunrider's herbs are cleaned and cleared before by having the stamp of approval on the barrel. So they do not have to go through this process, which in my opinion would destroy some of the nutritional value of the plants.
So when we talk clean, we mean clean.
Your other question about GMO or Genetically altered plants:
Dr. Chen has very strong opinion against anything Genetically Altered. I know this for a fact, again from talking with him. You see, Drs. Chens are my sponsors in SR. I have had the distinct privilege of studding and learning from him, before he started Sunrider. I knew him for about two or three years before Sunrider.
Since Sunrider, I have been trained by him personally on all the foods and products. He is a very futuristic man. He knew so many things that he was teaching me, and I was trying to teach my downline, about 20 years before our scientists and doctors are learning today and telling us. I trust these people in Sunrider. I know the background. I know the quality. I had serious health challenges before eating SR foods and was on a quest of excellence of health. No one had the answers or solutions like SR's ancient Chinese whole food concentrates.
Another thing that you may not know is that Dr. Chen now owns a very large pharmaceutical plant in Taiwan, that he inherited from his uncle, when he died. I remember Dr. Chen telling me about his uncle, and how he had trained him and he had worked for his uncle when he was younger.
Dr. Chen has turned this pharmaceutical plant now into his research and development plant. I have traveled all over the world with Drs. Chens. When I was in Malaysia speaking for the grand opening, I was with a Chinese couple that were friends of Drs. Chens. The husband was the General manager for Taiwan, and I had known him before, form visiting Taiwan. But this time, I was having a chance to get better acquainted with his wife. Just by chance, I asked her if she worked or what she did. She very humbly told me that she also worked for Drs. Chens in Taiwan. That she was the head of his research and development laboratory in Taiwan. I had no idea who she was. Both of these people were classmates of Drs. Chens when they attended the Kaosuin (not spelled correctly) Medical College. Which I incidentally have also been with them when they returned for the first time after graduating some years before?
Again while with Dr. Chen in Mexico, there was a medical doctor who was requesting an appointment with DR. Chen. I was fortunate enough to be invited to sit in, as the guy was in my down line. The question that the MD had for Dr. Chen was: "What is you opinion on Genetic Engineering?" Well, after about two hours of discussion by the two, I found out how really against GE or GMO Dr. Chen really is. He really got emotional at how bad it is and do we really know what we are doing with this technology? I know he personally is very much against it. With his strict enforcement of all the plants being used in our foods. I can tell you that he wouldn't consider using such plants.
I am a very strong proponent against Genetic Engineering. I have been on my band wagon, trying to wake up people against it.
Dr. Chen is very fussy about the seeds that are used for the planting of the plants. He doesn't even use hybrid seeds. He doesn't like to purchase soy beans or any plants from the USA, if he can help it, because, he doesn't like the way our plants are grown here. If there is a choice for the plant, grown inside or outside of the USA, he prefers outside. Even if the price is higher. He controls the farmers as to how they raise their plants.
He would never considered buying apples from my husband to put in Nu Plus, because of the pesticides and sprays my husband used to use. Now he has changed.
In private conversations with me, he would tell me of his concern for my husband, because of the poison he used on our farm. Now that has changed. But I can tell you that those early years of me using guthion and other toxic sprays on the apples, really affected my health. It was one of the contributing reasons, I was searching for truth and knowledge to save my own life and health. You see when we were first married, John, my husband had to get other jobs to support us until the farm started producing. So I then became his only farm hand. I then had to do the work, which I didn't like at all doing. And it nearly killed me in the process. I would mix the toxic spray and spray the trees. Even though I wore a respirator, my body was sprayed with the toxic substance. But we all have to learn, don't we?
Well, I don't have legal documentation for you. I don't know of any literature that exactly states what you are asking for.
But I have told you my personal experience with SR, and Drs. Chens. I don't know if it helps or not, but it is the best I can do. Learning from the master himself is about all I can do for you.
I can appreciate your concerns. They were my concerns also as you could see from my experience. He personally has answered my concerns. But the best way I can tell you is eating the foods, and experiencing the renewal of my health has been worth everything to me. I know the products are safe, clean, green pure and environmentally safe. They do what our literature and training says. They nourish, cleanse and help bring the body back to balance.
Sunriders foods and products have been one of the greatest blessings of my life. And they can bless anyone who will use these fabulous products.
Sometimes, we have to have faith and trust.
May I suggest, for your own benefit so you can see with your own eyes, and you can learn firsthand yourself, as I have, that you not miss next years Sunrider World Convention? It will be held in Anaheim on August 5, 2002. You can visit the botanical gardens in Torrance. You can visit the production facilities in the City Of Industry. Unties you experience these places yourself, you have no idea what it is like. And the fact that SR lets you visit these plants, is unheard of in today's manufacturing world. Take advantage of the opportunities that awaits you.
Your life will be blessed. Your family will be blessed. And you can give the gift of health beauty and wealth, just by helping us share Sunrider with others. You can then bless the lives of others.
We have over 100,000 distributors in our SR Family in the USA and Canada. And we are only just beginning to share a very timely message with the world. You can help.
I hope in some small way that this has helped you to have more knowledge and understanding about Sunrider. I love Sunrider. It is something I am really passionate about.
Sharon Farnsworth
Executive Director
Doing business in USA, Canada, Europe and Mexico.
My downline exists in Japan, Israel, Eastern Europe, Russia and Australia.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
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noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Torrance Advantage Award
Sunrider International
On Thursday, March 13, 2008, Sunrider International won the inaugural 2007 Torrance Advantage Award in the "People to People" category from the City of Torrance. The awards ceremony took place at the Torrance Marriott with a wonderful buffet and the attendance of the City Mayor, Frank Scotto, and other city officials. The unveiling of the winners was a surprise to all who applied. Even though we had a feeling that Sunrider would win in one of the four categories since we fit into each one, we were still surprised and happy to know that we won the "People to People" award. Sunny Beutler and Paul McCabe accepted the award on behalf of Sunrider. Our beautiful crystal award and framed letter from the mayor will be on display at our Torrance Headquarters.
The Torrance Advantage Awards were established to recognize innovative economic development strategies of local significance. The Awards are designed to showcase best practices and highlight outstanding results. Through this recognition, the City of Torrance thanks businesses that contribute significantly to the growth and enrichment of the Torrance community.
The "People to People Award" Category honors an organization's excellence in enhancing employment opportunities in Torrance. Additionally, it honors an organization's commitment to its current employees and investments in their talented and skilled workforce, including:
o Types of jobs created
o Number of jobs created
o New & existing programs for employee motivation and career advancement
Additional info is available at www.torrnet.com/TAA.htm
This was a great event, and we were honored to receive recognition from the city since Sunrider has been in Torrance since 1986. A little recognition goes a long way. This is for all of our employees who have made such a great impact on the company and have helped us achieve great heights.
Sunny C. Beutler
Regional Operations Director
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noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Drs. Chen Host 400 Sunrider Business Leaders at the Leadership...
Sunrider International

Aloha, Sunriders, until Grand Convention 2008 at Anaheim!
xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 1 new item
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Simply the Best Seat in the House
Sunrider International

At the meeting I saw how she's able to cultivate success in business builders through her organized presentation of the Sunrider marketing plan and by sharing her expert business advice; but most of all I think she helps people maximize their potential through serving as an inspirational role model. Sure, Sunrider provides lots of excellent materials and marketing tools that provide guidance and the blueprints for success, but through experiencing Mrs. Chen, you get a real-life example of how to challenge yourself and go after your goals.
xFruits - Sunrider International RSS - 10 new items
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
1. Sunrider Distributors Now Called Independent Business Owners, New Rank Names
2. Thank You!
3. Sunrider Supplements are Superior: Study Finds Banned Substances in Various U.S. Retailers
4. Sunrider Holiday Party
5. Sunrider Supports Fundraisers
6. Turkey Trot Fun Run
7. Sunrider Cares about the Environment
8. New Distributor Training Program a Big Hit!
9. Sunrider Supports AIDS Walk Los Angeles
Sunrider Distributors Now Called Independent Business Owners, New...
Sunrider International
Sunrider is pleased to announce that Independent Distributors will now be known as Independent Business Owners (IBOs). Effective immediately, the terms Independent Business Owner and IBO will be used and the name "Distributor" will be discontinued. Sunrider founder Dr. Tei-Fu Chen explains, "When I first came to the United States and started Sunrider, my English wasn't very good. We used the name "Distributor" because that's what most companies used at the time. As Sunrider grew, I felt the name Distributor wasn't quite right because it just told part of the story. Our "Distributors" didn't just sell or distribute Sunrider products, they also owned a business that was better than a franchise. Many of them have businesses in several countries and earn the kind of money a franchisor makes. I felt the name Distributor didn't give our people the recognition and status they deserved. Changing the name of Distributor to Independent Business Owner shows what our business is all about - helping people to improve their lifestyles and well-being by becoming successful business owners." In conjunction with changing "Distributor" to "Independent Business Owner," Sunrider is also changing the rank names as follows:
Mrs. Chen says, "Many times, people are confused when they hear that someone is a "Director" in Sunrider. They think that person is an employee or on our Board of Directors. Since we decided to change the name from Distributor to IBO, I wanted to also change the rank names as well so it's easier for people to understand. IBOs who build their business are Sunrider's "Business Leaders" and our business partners. We're very excited about the name changes and many of our IBOs have told me they love their new title."
Sunrider Corporate Office
Thank You!
Sunrider International
Time is really flying by fast, it is hard to believe we are beginning a new year! As I sit here and reflect on past years I am reminded of all the people in my life who I'm grateful for and of course you all are included in that list.
I love Sunrider and have been a customer and distributor for over 22 years! During that period, I have had the privilege to get to know so many of you for this amount of time!
Throughout these past 22 years I have had such wonderful customer service from all of you. The majority of times your service was not simply just "good" or "adequate" but beyond the expected.
It didn't matter if it was issues with a lost order, needing help with the replicator site, planning events, problems with the website, distributor relationships or just putting in my 2 cents, EVERYONE WAS SO GRACIOUS AND HELPFUL. Wow!
What a blessing you all have been for me and our downline. We sincerely want to thank you all for your assistance, your friendship and for being part of what makes Sunrider so great and different than the rest of the business opportunities available today.
2007 marked the 25th Anniversary of Sunriders success, however with the new Starter Packs, neat packaging, new Newsletters, we will have a great 2008!
The Chens work hard providing us with the finest, most potent and life-changing products available anywhere in the industry and the best business opportunity. We are grateful for the Chens and all of us working together as a team will certainly see business growth and success!
We look forward to working with you in the years to come. We wish you the best always and all ways.
Julie & Phil Herring
Sunrider Supplements are Superior: Study Finds Banned Substances in...
Sunrider International
A recent article in USA Today, entitled Study: Steroids found in supplements, highlights the potential hidden hazards of supplements sold in the U.S. The article cites a study which found that "13 of the 52 supplements (25%) purchased at various U.S. retailers contained small amounts of steroids and six (11.5%) had banned stimulants." A study conducted by the International Olympic Committee showed that 18.8% of the 240 supplements purchased in the U.S. contained steroids. The studies cited in this article include some of the best-selling brands (randomly selected), and most came from mall-based stores.
The study cited two main reasons for the contamination. One reason is contaminated raw materials. With Sunrider products, you can rest assured that there are no artificial or added hormones, steroids, or stimulants in our products. We use the finest herbs and raw materials, checking and cleaning them by hand and machine. We reject whole batches of herbs that do not meet our high standards. Many of the suppliers of our raw materials have worked with Sunrider for a long time, and know the high-quality raw ingredients we demand.
The second reason for contamination is the failure of manufacturers to properly clean their equipment. Sunrider manufactures all of its products in our state-of-the-art facilities, and does not outsource the production to third parties. We monitor all steps of the production process, so you know we do not use tricks to cut corners or save time. Also, our manufacturing facilities are regularly cleaned (using our own SuperClean™). Because our manufacturing process is kept to such high standards, many of our products are recognized as Kosher and Halal.
Because Sunrider products do not contain any added or artificial steroids, hormones, or stimulants, you know that our products contain only the fine ingredients listed on the labels. A number of Sunrider® products are certified by the Banned Substances Control Group, and are used by the Israeli Olympic team as they train for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. The Sunrider website has more information about Sunrider's Anti-Doping Certification.
Owen Smigelski
Senior Counsel
Sunrider International
Sunrider Holiday Party
Sunrider International

My parents appreciate the hard work and talent of loyal employees. Throughout the party, they recognize loyal employees and our 12 "Employees of the Month." Many employees have worked at Sunrider 5, 10, and 15 years. Several of them reached the 20-year mark this year and Sunrider is paying for their trip to Hawaii!
The employees also gave my parents a special gift: dinner at their favorite restaurant, Matsuhisa, and 2 front row seats to Wicked! Thanks to the employees, my parents will get to enjoy a long

One of the highlights of the party is the raffle prizes. This year, Distributors donated over $20,000 in raffle prizes for Sunrider's corporate office employees. I used to think that winning cameras, iPods, $1,000 etc. was common practice. However, after going to a few parties at other companies, I realize that each prize given away at a Sunrider party is usually a "grand" prize elsewhere. So on behalf of the corporate office, I thank all who donated! We greatly appreciate your support and generosity!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
SR Party Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor - $2,000: Antonio Marquette
Gold Sponsors - $1,000 & above: Janet & Mack Atkinson, Nhuhao Le, David & Kay Heap, Ky Tran, Sam Chen, Dick Richards, Robert Henrie
Silver Sponsors - $500 & above: Ari Moon, Bob & Kay Goshen, Don & Paulette Caster, Kyung & Whan Park, Paul Harrington & Rita Costanzi, Samson & Jarling Huang
Bronze Sponsors - $200 & above: Choy Keng Chan, Kim Chau Phan, Angella Pinkhasov, Mersedes Ramos & Juan Flores, Michelle Thibodeaux & Terrence Young, Jin Hee Ha, Joan & Gil Benjamin, Martha Garcia & Victor Menses, May & Lamar Mortensen, Michael Pham, Nancy Donahue, Pauline Ton Vo, Sue & Steve Yee, Jalaine & John Hamann
Sponsors - Helene & George Barfuss, Phil & Julie Herring, Sharyn Wynters, Asya Lukach, Barbara & Matthew Moore, Carolyn Sheets, Carrie Goelitz, Debbie & Patrick Bubela, Elaine & Jeff Smith, Karen Spencer & Jeffrey Dees, Kay & Bill Hughes, Kyung Pun Oh, Lois & J.W. Emerson, Margie & John Mettnet, Paul & Cheryl Jensen, Robin & Myron Frame, Selina & Sai Yeung, Sunae Hyun, Eneyda Hawkins, Inja Whang, Marv & Geneva Peterson, Jeanne & Fred Guenzler, Catherine Bunn, Juanita Figueroa, Judi Padgett-Creed & Robert Creed, Lynn Arthur, Randy & Marsha Turner, Sharon Farnsworth Ekins, Sharon Samuelsen, Sunhee Lim, Therese Cheney, Jaqueline Mellyn, Janet Diane Palmer, Shirley Just, Kathie & Fred Christiansen, Betty Rowe, Bob & Gloria Englund, Diane Royall, Natalie Johnson, Donna Ehrlich, Doris Jackson, Lorene & Leonard Haertling, Katharine Kennedy

Sunrider Supports Fundraisers
Sunrider International
Sunrider is Sole Corporate Sponsor for Enterprise Mentors International
On Friday, November 2, Sunrider was the sole corporate sponsor of the annual gala fundraiser for Enterprise Mentors International (EMI) in Salt Lake City, Utah. EMI is a non-profit organization that provides micro-finance loans, mentoring, and support for people in developing countries in South America and the Philippines. With almost 1,000 people in attendance, Sunrider was proud to have the honor of donating $15,000 to EMI to help more people gain self-reliance and independence in countries where jobs are very scarce. The average EMI loan is about US$160. Along with each loan, EMI provides counseling, teaches bookkeeping and other necessary skills to maintain the growth of businesses. Please see http://www.enterprise-mentors.org/index.asp.
Attending the EMI annual gala, representing Sunrider were Sharon Farnsworth Ekins & Shirl Ekins, Carol Call, Chris Williams, Dick & Annette Richards, Kristen Smith and her downline, and Sunny & Jonathan Beutler.
Special Awards were given to the First Lady of Guatemala for her tremendous work in helping families in poverty by helping women start businesses. EMI also awarded the First General Relief Society Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for their extensive work in social work and aid to the less fortunate.
The special guest performer for that evening was Michael Ballam, a renowned opera singer and pianist, who told his story of visiting the people who had been helped by EMI in South America.
It was a great privilege to help others gain independence and financial freedom through EMI.
Sunrider is the Platinum Sponsor of the LA Consular Ball
On Friday, November 16, Sunrider was the Platinum Sponsor of the Los Angeles Consular Ball held in Los Angeles at the Intercontinental Hotel. The LA Consular Ball is the annual fundraising event for the Los Angeles Consular Corps, which provides networking and other beneficial international help to all its consular members in the Los Angeles area.
A wonderful event, with a local mariachi band, and Consul Generals from New Zealand, Brazil, Ireland, and Kenya, to name just a few, the crowd was lively, and everyone danced.
Recognized as one of the two Platinum Sponsors of the event, Drs. Chen, John Teng, Sunny & Jonathan Beutler, and some of our great Sunrider attorneys enjoyed the food and the wide array of people in attendance from all over the world. Everyone in attendance received a gift bag with a beautiful, new Sunrider advertisement and a box of Fortune Delight.
During the ball, there was a lottery, which had the grand prizes of free roundtrip airline tickets to anywhere in the world in first class, business class, and economy class. Although none of the Sunriders won these grand prizes, our very own Paul McCabe won 2 tickets for an 8-day, first-class train tour of Switzerland. He and his wife will definitely go on a long vacation very soon.
It was definitely an evening to remember.
Torrance Chinese School Gala
On Saturday, November 10, Sunrider participated in the second annual Torrance Chinese School fundraiser dinner as one of its main corporate sponsors. In attendance were the California State Controller, John Chiang, the Torrance Unified School District Superintendent, Dr. George Mannon, and other school officials. The event was catered at a Chinese restaurant in Torrance, and we all ate our fill. It was a great event for Sunrider to sponsor to help maintain the Chinese language and culture among second-generation immigrants who may not otherwise have a chance to learn their heritage. Thanks to the dedication of both the Taiwanese and Chinese teachers, the volunteer teacher's aids, and the fundraising efforts of many there, Torrance Chinese School is the largest in the South Bay.
At the lottery held after the dinner, many hand-crafted and donated gifts were given away. Sunny & Jonathan Beutler even won a digital camera, which they plan on giving to a friend in Brazil.
As always, Sunrider was happy that it could give back to the community in some small way.
Sunrider Corporate Office
Turkey Trot Fun Run
Sunrider International

The run also featured a food drive that collected thousands of canned food items from the participants to distribute to people in need throughout the South Bay. The proceeds from the Turkey Trot were then used to offset the costs of running "After School Club Programs" at fourteen local schools. These programs provide quality activities and care for Torrance youth. Several other Sunrider staff members specifically at the event to run in the race also dropped by afterwards to offer a helping hand as needed.
Curious visitors came by the Sunrider booth before and after the run and received a Simply the Best™ Brochure along with a beautiful Sunrider logo bag. Everyone interested in learning more about Sunrider's "franchise-like" business opportunity and the vast array of "Simply the Best™" products were given the contact information to Sunrider's corporate headquarters to drop by for an eye-opening and awe-inspiring visit!
John Teng
North America Sales Manager
Sunrider Cares about the Environment
Sunrider International

Sunrider is deeply committed to protecting our fragile environment. In addition to many of our products being designed to combat the effects of an increasingly polluted world, our nearly completed Los Angeles buildings will incorporate many environmental elements, including important energy conservation and efficient design factors. For example, there is an extensive use of skylights in these large buildings, which provide beneficial natural daylight, as well as occupancy sensors (motion detectors), lighting timers, photocells for outdoor nighttime lighting and other light-saving designs, all of which conserve energy and benefit the environment.

Sunrider is also proud of the following further environmental actions that we're taking to improve our buildings and processes:
• Steam is circulated through cooling towers that cool the water, allowing us to recycle it and assure that no impurities are released into the atmosphere.
• Insulation is used extensively throughout the building and highly efficient equipment, including those with variable frequency drives, is used to reduce energy consumption.
• Existing equipment from the City of Industry plants is being reused where practicable in our new facilities, thus saving energy associated with manufacturing and transporting new equipment.
• New pre-heaters for our large boilers were purchased which saves natural gas and new energy recovery systems are used to conserve energy.
• All air conditioning systems have been designed for air or water side economizers (free cooling) to save energy.
• Motion sensors will be used in the restrooms to conserve water.
• Only food-grade biodegradable lubricants and paints are used to keep our machines running.
While this is only a partial summary of our environmental actions, Sunrider will continue to pursue environmental elements and energy conservation in its operations and appreciates your interest in this and support. Thanks.
New Distributor Training Program a Big Hit!
Sunrider International
Sunrider Supports AIDS Walk Los Angeles
Sunrider International

Before the AIDS Walk began, we were invited to a VIP Breakfast with the other event sponsors and a host of television and musical celebrities. At the VIP Breakfast representing Sunrider were David & Kay Heap, Jose Flores, Pauline Vo, Regional Manager Ras Jeyakumar, my husband Jonathan and myself, and our cousin Jamee. Although the breakfast started very early in the morning, it was great to see everyone there in support of eradicating AIDS.
After the breakfast, we were guided to a VIP section adjacent to the Opening Ceremony stage. Celebrities like Faith Ford from the TV series "Murphy Brown" and now "Hope & Faith," Ana Ortiz from "Ugly Betty," and Shirley Jones (aka Mrs. Partridge from "The Partridge Family") were there to name a few.
To see more about AIDS Walk Los Angeles, go to http://www.aidswalk.net/losangeles/ .
It was a great and exciting event for the tens of thousands of people who were there.
Sunny C. Beutler
Regional Operations Director
Sunrider International
New Business Leader Training Meeting
A little over a week ago, we had our first "New Business Leader Training Meeting." My parents, Sunrider owners Dr. Tei-Fu Chen and Dr. Oi-Lin Chen, specially invited a select group of 21 new Business Leaders and their sponsors for a 2-day training seminar. I wasn't able to attend all of the meetings, but what I did see and hear was exciting!
On the first day (September 26th), we visited the new LA Manufacturing Plants. I haven't been inside for over a year and I was awestruck at the size, scope, and complexity of the facilities. I know how big it is (almost 900,000 square feet) and I've heard my parents talk a lot about it, but WOW, seeing it for myself was absolutely thrilling. It just further validated what I and our Distributors already know—that my parents' commitment and investment to create the finest products is bar none. It's mind-boggling to comprehend the enormity of this project. I think our new Business Leaders were also amazed and proud to be part of this. Of course, there is still work to do and machinery to move. I can't wait to see it completed in the beginning of 2008. You can be sure I'll showcase it all over our website!
Over the next two days, my parents and Don Caster, a Silver Master Director, coached the new Business Leaders on how to approach, how to answer frequently asked questions, and how to be a leader. During the training, I could tell the new Business Leaders' eyes were opened to the true potential of their business. Obviously, they are all hard workers and have goals for their business; otherwise, my parents wouldn't have invited them. But, I think the whole experience boosted their confidence that Sunrider really can help them fulfill their goals and that they should dream even bigger. They realized Sunrider is not just about great products and by-the-way you can make some extra money, but Sunrider is the way for them to own a huge, profitable business AND enjoy our products AND help other people at the same time. I can't think of a business that's more mutually beneficial than this.
Before the Business Leaders left, my parents gave them a few special "treats" to take home— products that are still in development such as the new brightening serum and new Oi-Lin® Skin Care Trial Set. I also gave them a sneak peak at our new website design and replicator website. Yes, we are revamping everything!
I had a great time meeting the new Business Leaders and feeling their energy. It renewed and strengthened my own motivation to help them succeed. Anabelle also enjoyed meeting them (especially one little boy) and helping my father with his presentation. We're planning on holding these special meetings twice a year. Hopefully, some of you who are reading this blog will qualify the next time and we can "wine and dine" you.
New Distributor Training Meeting
We're having a New Distributor Training Meeting at the Torrance Headquarters on October 18th fromWendy
Colonoscopy Video-Time to Detox!
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Hiromi Shinya, is a Japanese-born gastroenterologist. Dr. Shinya designed and developed a life-saving medical tool for the endoscopic treatment of polyps. Without requiring use of surgery, his revolutionary "Shinya Method" has become widely used in colonoscopies. He has examined over 300,000 stomachs and large intestines. He believes that diseases may come from our diets. He insists that to have good health, colon cleansing and good eating habits are a must for a healthy life!
Easy, Safe Detox: Use Calli, Fortune Delight, Slim Caps & Fibertone
Drink Calli and Fortune Delight on a daily basis. These antioxidants have been shown to be effective in absorbing damaging free radicals.
While many of the undesirable elements we take into our body are quickly eliminated, others are not. Combined with a healthy meal and exercise program, the unique herbal extracts in Calli® assist in the body's natural cleansing processes.
Use SlimCaps and Fibertone to detox and add fiber to the intestines.Fibertone® specifically addresses the digestive system with a proprietary blend of herbs to help keep yin and yang in balance.*
Fibertone® supplement enhances the natural process of the digestive system.* Our exclusive formulation contains an all-natural combination of oat bran, psyllium seed and other beneficial herbs that assist the body's metabolism.*
Shinyas' Health Plan:
Good Eating Habits:
Dr. Shinya recommends dividing food intake to 90% fruits and vegetables and 10% protein. The points for good eating are:
1. Eat unpurified grains or cereals.
2. Eat more vegetables.
3. More seafood, less meat.
4. Eat raw foods.
5. Do not eat oxidized foods.
6. Eat fermented foods.
7. Avoid milk and milk products.
8. Take Vitamins and Minerals
9. Be disciplined with the food you eat. Remember, you are what you eat!
Good Water-Water is essential for your health. Drinking "good water" such as mineral water; especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH. Optimal quantity is about 2 -3 cups about 1 hour before each meal. (Calli and Fortune Delight help alkaline our pH balance as well. I drink both daily!)
Good Excretion
Start a daily habit to remove 'intestinal pollutants' and to clean out your systems regularly. (I use Slim Caps and Fibertone from Sunrider for safe detox.)
Best to you, Julia Herring
Sunrider Independent Distributor
Sunrider's Chinese Goldenseal Root
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Herbal knowledge falls into two basic classes: Food herbs and Medicine herbs. Most herbs used today are used as medicine; in times of body crisis and as a safer option to drugs. Sunrider is the one company firmly committed to providing formulas made from carefully blended and balanced food-grade herbs. The focus of the Sunrider whole – food program is not on "curing disease", but on feeding and nourishing the body for prevention and protection. On the other hand, the focus on medicine, whether it be drugs or medicinal herbs, should be solely to temporarily curb illness.
Sunrider has the most advanced perfectly balanced system of whole food nourishment available today. This program is found in the Sunpack, which consists of NuPlus, Calli beverage, and the five system-specific herbal food formulas found in Quinary.
As companions to the foundation Sunpack program, Dr. Chen has also concentrated and enhanced five single herbs available in capsules: Siberian Ginseng, Korean White Ginseng, Dandelion Root, Golden Seal Root and White Willow Bark. In this issue, we profile one of the most popular American herbs, Golden Seal Root.
Golden Seal's Roots
Golden Seal was first discovered and used by the Cherokee Indians and later admitted to the official U.S. pharmacopoeia. In the late 1800's, Golden Seal became so popular and scarce it was selling for 100 times that of other herbs. The Rodale Press Herb Book says of Golden Seal: "The botanical name Hydrastis, derived from two Greek words meaning water and to accomplish, is a clue to the principal property of the root. It is a general tonic for the mucous membranes." (p. 463). Golden Seal is considered one of nature's greatest antibiotics, and acts as a tonic to the entire system.
In his classic herbal reference work, School of Natural Healing, Dr. John R. Christopher writes of Golden Seal: "This is a powerful tonic for assimilation. It effectively tones the mucous membranes and any other tissues it contacts, increases and improves the appetite, gastric secretions and flow of bile, and aids in digestion." (p. 437)
Other reference books also mention these possible nourishing benefits of Golden Seal Root: Extremely beneficial in relieving congestion and fighting infection; special aid for the liver, gall bladder, circulation and veins; and tonic for the pancreas. Many herbalists have used Golden Seal in formulas for the eyes, which makes sense. One of Golden Seal's components, hydrastine, is an ingredient in commercial eye drops like Visine.
The Sunrider Difference
All Golden Seal is not created equal. Like Ginseng, there are many different varieties and grades. In addition, the root of the plant is much more potent than the herb (leaves, flowers and stems). Most Golden Seal found in health food stores are leaves. The root is more expensive, and for good reason. In fact, the Cherokees gave Golden Seal its name because they revered the potency of its yellow root.
What's the difference between Sunrider Golden Seal Root and others? You'd think they'd be pretty much alike. In fact, Sunrider herbal concentrates are far advanced above regular herbs. Sunrider's unique processing greatly enhances the viability and nourishing benefits of all Sunrider herbs. How?
When herbs are processed by ordinary means, the manufacturer takes the root, leaf, stem, whatever, and simply grinds them up. This powder is then placed into a capsule or tea bag. Utilized by most herbal producers, this procedure creates two primary concerns, which underscores the Sunrider difference.
Difference Number One: Standardization
With ordinary processing, you can't be certain how much of the herb's beneficial components are in each capsule or tea bag. A plant has its components concentrated at different points in the plant. For example, salicin, the primary component in White Willow, is not evenly distributed throughout the plant, but found in a few concentrated spots in the bark. With grinding, the beneficial parts of the plant may be concentrated in a few capsules and missing from the rest. Sunrider's concentration and enhancement processes insure that the beneficial components of each plant are consistently and evenly distributed throughout the concentrate powder. It is this type of precise control and enhancement that sets Sunrider apart and makes our foods so effective. No other manufacturer uses this process.
This enhancement is clearly evident in Sunrider Golden Seal Root. A young mother from California relates her experience: "My two youngest children and I came down with an infection at the same time. I didn't have any of our Golden Seal Root, so I went to the health food store and bought the popular brand of the root. I had taken other brands before and had never noticed much improvement. It always ends up costing a lot more than the Sunrider because I have to take a lot more of the health food store brand to notice anything at all. I mixed their Golden Seal into my three-year-old's cereal and he couldn't eat it. He told me it "stung his mouth". Well, I got ahold of Sunrider's Golden Seal Root, and began taking that. Within a few days, my infection began to clear up, and not only was I able to mix the herb into my son's cereal, but I diluted it and dropped it into the baby's nose and eyes for her infection as well. (I would never trust another Golden Seal enough to do that!) She cleared right up. I now keep a few bottles of Sunrider Golden Seal on hand, especially at this time of year."
Difference Number Two: Quality
The second area of concern is herb quality and integrity. Most herb companies purchase their herbs in bulk from one of a couple of major herb brokers, much like they do with the generic USP powders for their vitamins. These herbs sit on docks and in warehouses for months at a time, and are often moldy, cut with dirt and other plants, and infested with insects, all of which go into the grinder. Some just buy the herb already ground, which is even more suspect. The consumer not only pays for the herb, but all those little "extras" as well. The first step in the Sunrider process is to get rid of all the parts of the plant we don't needs.
Dr. Chen is an herbal perfectionist. He insists on controlling every step of Sunrider herb production. Sunrider herbs are grown by Sunrider, picked fresh and at the appropriate seasonal times by Sunrider and manufactured by Sunrider. Every batch of raw herbs is tested for purity and freshness. This is Dr. Chen's greatest source of pride. In fact, several times a month, he flies to any one of several worldwide growing locations to personally oversee every stage of herb development. Sunrider herbs are the purest, finest herbs available. Period.
Biochemistry of Golden Seal
There has been some misunderstanding with Golden Seal Root and blood sugar. Golden Seal has a component that gently tones and stimulates the pancreas. People with blood sugar irregularities like hypoglycemia are often warned not to eat Golden Seal. Dr. Chen understands the biochemistry of the herbal plant and the body's response. During the process of enhancement, he makes certain that any unbalancing effects of the plant are balanced. This is evident in our Golden Seal Root. In my own experience, before Sunrider, I fought blood sugar imbalances, and had reactions to regular Golden Seal Root. I have eaten Sunrider Golden Seal many times, and find it very beneficial.
Dr. Chen states that Golden Seal Root is a plant that does not need to be eaten continually. Only eat it when you need it. Golden Seal is one of the support herbs to the basic foundation whole food formulas, and forms an important part of your "prevention and protection" program. Conco and Alpha 20C can nourish and strengthen the body's natural immune response. When the body becomes run-down, we may require the temporary nourishment of an herb like Sunrider's Golden Seal.
Note: Sunrider Golden Seal Root is available in the United States but not Canada.
This information is provided for nutritional purposes only. It is not the intent of the author to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, by all means, consult a physician.
Sunrider's Bella
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Uses and Benefits:
● Helps ease the physical and mental changes associated with menopause,
including mood swings and hot flashes*
● Helps the body maintain the feeling and appearance of youth*
● Nourishes, smoothes and softens the skin, reducing wrinkles and
● Promotes better sleep*
● Boosts the body's ability to absorb calcium*
● Helps balance energy and moods, promoting the feelings of serenity and
being present*
● Contains all-natural, concentrated herbal ingredients
● Contains no added hormones
● Contains no Mexican Wild Yam (a steroid containing cortisone that
yields negative long-term side-effects*)
Bella functions especially well when consumed with Sunrider's Calli*. Consume one or more capsules twice a day with meals. Bella is also beneficial for, and may be consumed by men; however, men should not consume more Bella than Sunrider's Veros.
Pueraria root; barrenwort leaf; marsh parsley leaf; white cornel fruit (cornus florida); red clover; Chinese ginseng root; dong quai; leek seed; mongolia-vine fruit (citrus wilsonii); boschniakia herb (boschniakia glabra); cnidium seed.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Sunrider FAQ
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
• What is network marketing?
• How is Sunrider's compensation plan different?
• What is the Starter Pack? How can I buy one?
• What is the first-time Director Performance Bonus and Marketing Tool Pack?
• Is Sunrider a pyramid scheme?
• Are the negative stories I've heard about Sunrider true?
What is network marketing?
Network marketing, or multilevel marketing, is part of the thriving direct selling industry. In multilevel marketing, independent Distributors sell a consumable product, person-to-person, away from a fixed, retail location like a traditional grocery or department store. Multilevel marketing plans compensate Distributors on their own product sales and on the product sales of their downline (network).
As a multilevel marketing company, Sunrider offers many benefits to its Distributors, including:
A generous, global compensation plan so you can build a stable income.
Flexible work hours--you choose your own hours.
Your very own business with a small initial investment.
Access to the finest herbal health products for your family and home.
Opportunity for people of all ages, education levels, and backgrounds to earn extra income.*
Your success is limited only by your willingness to work hard!
*You must be 18 or older to sign up as a Distributor.
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How is Sunrider's compensation plan different?
There are many direct selling and multilevel compensation plans available such as binary systems and straight systems. However, Sunrider's compensation plan is unique and superior in several important ways:
Make money from the beginning. In many network systems, new people have trouble making money right away because the money flows disproportionately to the uplines. Also, networks simply take time to build. Sunrider has a fair and generous compensation plan. In our plan, new Distributors can start making money as soon as they sign up. This is in addition to the profits new Distributors make from selling our award-winning products.
Make a stable, long-term income. Unlike other companies which pay out only 10% to 40%, Sunrider pays out 20% of Sunrider sales price for the Club Member Bonus and an actual 58.5% SV, one of the best in the industry. Rewards include generous bonus checks, dream homes, new automobiles, and fun vacations.* Other companies come and go, but Sunrider has been in business since 1982 and has never missed a payout.
Make money while you sleep. Sunrider has a global compensation plan so you can do business in over 40 countries. This allows you to make money around the clock.
* Sunrider makes no guarantee of any earnings or profits to any Distributor. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence and leadership.
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What is the Starter Pack? How can I buy one?
The Starter Pack contains a selection of our best-selling products and essential marketing tools. It's our most popular product pack and introduces people to Sunrider's high-quality products. We developed the simple Starter Pack system to help you quickly build your Sunrider business. When you purchase a Starter Pack, you can sign up to be a Sunrider Distributor.
You can purchase the Starter Pack from your sponsor or directly from Sunrider. It's a small investment to enjoy the best business opportunity and the best products.
Starter Pack I includes
1 Calli® 10-pack
1 Fortune Delight® 3 g 10-pack
1 SunSmile® Fruit & Vegtable Rinse 1 oz.
1 VitaShake® 10-pack
1 Sunbreeze® Oil .17 oz.
1 SunSmile® Herbal Toothpaste 2.3 oz.
1 Kandesn® Regular Skin Care Trial Set .5 oz. ea.
1 Shaker Bottle 16 oz.
Sunrider® Sales Price List
Sunrider® Product Catalog
Business Guide
Distributor Application
$30 Retail Profit (paid to Sponsor)
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What is the first-time Director Performance Bonus and Marketing Tool Pack?
The first time you qualify for the Director Performance Bonus, you will receive your first-time Director Performance Bonus check and Marketing Tool Pack. The Marketing Tool Pack contains professionally designed tools such as the Simply the Best® brochure, Company Profile, Product Catalog, product brochures, training CD-ROMs, and DVDs. The Marketing Tool Pack contains everything you need to successfully present Sunrider and train your downline. It is also available for sale.
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Is Sunrider a pyramid scheme?
No! Sunrider is an international company with a stable, successful history. Sunrider provides its Distributors with outstanding products and a legitimate business opportunity. There are very important differences between an illegal pyramid scheme and a legitimate multilevel marketing (MLM) company like Sunrider:
Real products, real customers: Sunrider offers a wide variety of high-quality herbal food and supplements, skin care, and home products at a competitive price. Sunrider's business is based on repeat customers who enjoy our products. Our Distributors are our most loyal consumers. Pyramid schemes, however, do not offer a real product or will charge unreasonable prices for a cheap product.
Commissions based on product sales: Sunrider pays commissions and bonuses to Distributors solely based on their product sales, i.e., their sales volume. Sunrider does not compensate Distributors for merely recruiting or sponsoring another Distributor, nor does it charge high fees for marketing tools. On the other hand, pyramid schemes usually base compensation on recruiting new people and charge high fees for marketing tools because they don't have a legitimate product to sell.
Cost of joining Sunrider is low: The fee for the Starter Pack is comparable or even lower in comparison to other legitimate MLMs. Customers can also join for free. Pyramid schemes often require exorbitant fees to join because they make their profits on signing new recruits, not selling real products.
No inventory required: Because Sunrider bases its business on selling high-quality products to consumers, we do not require that Distributors maintain large inventories. In contrast, pyramid schemes may pressure or require you to purchase large inventories and training materials.
Anyone can make money: Making money in a pyramid scheme requires getting in at the "ground level." However, Sunrider's World Seamless Compensation Plan is fair and generous to all of our Distributors no matter what their level is, so anyone can make money at Sunrider if they are willing to work.*
* Sunrider makes no guarantee of any earnings or profits to any Distributor. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence and leadership.
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Are the negative stories I've heard about Sunrider true?
Sunrider is a successful international company operating in over 40 countries. Like every large global company, Sunrider has faced challenges, rumors and criticisms in its history. More importantly, it has weathered tough times and come through even stronger.
While we embrace the opportunities the Internet affords, we understand that people can post negative stories and criticisms about Sunrider or find disputes that have long been resolved. We feel that there is nothing to hide because we believe in the integrity of our business.
The book Journey to the Sun sets the record straight about Sunrider's remarkable story. In it you will learn about Dr. Tei-Fu Chen's life from his humble beginnings to the formation of Sunrider and the challenges he and Dr. Oi-Lin Chen faced in making Sunrider a successful global company. Sunrider continues to grow boldly and with greater knowledge and experience.
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Stevia News, Tips, Information, Frequently Asked Questions...
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)

What is Stevia? Stevia is of the Composite family, related to lettuce, marigold and chicory. It was "Officially" discovered in the late 19th century by Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni. He was given samples of the plant and he reported that "one small piece of the leaf will keep the mouth sweet for an hour". He named the plant Stevia Rebuadiani Bertoni in honor of a Paraguayan chemist name Rebaudi. Bertoni found that the Guarani Indians had been using the leaves of the plant to sweeten bitter teas and as a sweet treat.
Is Stevia Safe? Stevia has been used since pre-Colombian times with no reports of ill side affects. Stevia has also withstood years of research that has proven Stevia to be safe for human and animal consumption.
I have heard that stevia has side effects?
* Toxic? – No. Stevia has been used in Japan since 1970 and there have been no reports of toxicity or other side effects.
* Mutagenic? – No. The Japanese Food and Drug Safety Center has found stevia not to be mutagenic. Only one study has shown stevia to be potentially a mutagenic and this study has been criticized for errors in procedure. Scientist in Great Britain said that according to the study's formula, distilled water is mutagenic.
* A contraceptive? Two studies showed stevia to have a contraceptive effect. The first study was done in Uruguay over 30 years ago and since then no one has been able to reproduce the results. The second study was done by a graduate student in Rio de Janeiro and the results and methods have been questionable. Multiple other studies have shown that stevia has no contraceptive effect.
* Is Stevia Safe? Absolutely. Stevia has been used around the world with NO reports of stevia overdose or toxicity to humans in the past forty years.
What are the benefits of Using Stevia? Studies have shown the following benefits from using Stevia in one's diet. These benefits have not been approved or confirmed by the FDA.
* Sugarless with no calories
* Will not effect blood sugar levels like sugar does.
* 100% Natural
* 250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar
* Heat stable to 200 degrees Celsius (392 degrees Fahrenheit)
* Non-fermentable
* Flavor enhancer
* Plaque retardant Anti-caries (prevents cavities)
* Recommended for diabetics
* Non-toxic Extensively tested in animals and Extensively used by humans with no adverse effects.
Where is Stevia Grown? Originally stevia grew wild in the highland region of Northern Paraguay and Southern Brazil. It was later cultivated for use as a sweetener until the introduction of sugar cane by the Spanish and Portuguese. Today Stevia is grown around the world from China, Japan and other Asian countries to South America, Europe, India, the Ukraine and even North America.
What are the types or forms of Stevia?
Types of Stevia:
- Stevia Leaves
* Fresh Leaves – Most pure form. 8 – 12% sweet glycosides : 5-8% Steviosides and 1-2% Rebaudioside A.
* Dried Leaves – Dried form of the fresh leaves. Used in brewing herbal teas and for making liquid extracts.
* Tea Cut Leaves – Cut into small pieces and sifted to remove twigs and other unwanted matter.
* Ground Leaves (Powder) - The dried leaves ground into a fine powder. Usually about 10 – 15 times sweeter than sugar. Used in teas and cooking but does not dissolve.
- Liquid Extracts
* Dark – A concentrated syrup derived from the dried leaves. Usually in a water and alcohol base. Sweetness varies between manufacturers. This form will offer the greater amount of benefits from the stevia plant.
* Clear – A solution of powdered steviosides dissolved in water, alcohol or glycerin.
- Powdered Extracts (STEVIOSIDES)
* 40 – 50% Sweet Glycosides – The processed form of the leaves to concentrate on the sweet glycosides by removing unwanted plant matter. An off white powder. Commonly referred to as "Stevioside".
* 80 – 95% Sweet Glycosides - The processed form of the leaves to concentrate on the sweet glycosides by removing unwanted plant matter. An off white powder. This powder is 200 – 300 times sweeter than sugar. Quality of the powder depends on purity of the glycosides (i.e. 80 – 95% pure) and the ratio of Rebaudioside A over Stevioside. The higher the ratio, the better the product. Commonly referred to as "Stevioside".
- Other Forms (STEVIA BLENDS)
* Due to the great strength of the Powdered Extracts, it is common to add a filler to "tone" down the strength so that the Stevioside is easier to use and more palatable. These fillers are usually some form of non-sweet food additive that has little to no nutritive value such as lactose or maltodextrin.
Does Stevia have the same qualities as sugar in cooking recipes?No! The molecular structures of sucrose and Stevioside are completely different. Sucrose (Sugar) when heated will caramelize making such delights as cookies, fudge and ... caramel, a possibility. Stevia will not. Some sweets, like caramel, is not possible, yet, but other sweets like cookies and fudge are possible if you can figure out how.
Will Stevia break down at high temperatures like saccrines or aspartame? No! The fact that stevia is heat stable is one of the real great properties of Stevia. Stevioside is heat stable to about 200 degrees Celsius (392 degrees Fahrenheit). So it can be used in almost any recipe.
Will Stevia act as a "fuel" for yeast in baking as sugar does? No! Stevia is non-fermentable and therefore will not act as a food source for yeast. (This is why stevia is great for anyone suffering from Candida!) Breads will still rise when baked but just not as big.
Why is Stevia just coming onto the market? Stevia has been around for a long time, even in the United States. Early studies on stevia go back to the 1950's but the United States is a nation chin deep in bureaucracy, dirty-politics and corruption. In the 1950's the sugar industry fought to prevent the use of Stevia in the United States. Today, the manufacturers of Nutrasweet (aspartame) have practically bought the FDA to prevent it's approval as a food additive and therefore a sugar substitute. If you don't believe me, contact 60 Minutes of CBS. In the Spring of 1997 they aired a report on how Nutrasweet "bought" influence with the FDA to force the approval of a sweetener that is now blamed for the illnesses and deaths of thousands of Americans.
Why does Stevia cost so much? There are many reasons actually. 1) Stevia is a plant that has to be cultivated before it can be used as a sweetener. This requires large investments of capital to buy plants, farms, equipment, etc. to grow and harvest the plants. There is also the expense of the equipment to process the leaves into the pure stevioside. 2) When compared to sugar and the artificial sweeteners, yes, it is expensive. Stevia is not widely cultivated like sugar is. Sugar is also a very expensive product to grow and process but with hundreds of countries growing and processing sugar, economics becomes a major factor in price. As for the chemical sweeteners, face facts, its nothing but a blend of cheap chemicals. That is why it is so profitable. 3) There are also some people in this business (stevia business) that either have inefficient and expensive suppliers or they are actually (yes I know this is hard to believe) overpricing for the sake of money. They sell low quality stevia and/or they sell stevia using tricky and even confusing marketing practices.
How come diet soft drinks are not sweetened with Stevia? The answer is simple: Money! The diet soft drink market is HUGH, worth billions of dollars and the manufacturer of Nutrasweet is not about to share that market. So the armies of lobbyist were called in to make sure the FDA did not allow the use of Stevia as a food ingredient thereby protecting their market. Nutrasweet has a patent on aspartame and that patent guarantees big profits where Stevia is a natural plant that can be grown by anyone and everyone.
Does Stevia have any effect on hypoglycemia? According to the report Effect of the Stevioside and of the aqueous extract of Stevia Rebaudiana (BERT) Bertoni on the glycemia of normal and diabetic rats By: Professor Carlos Eduardo Pinheiro, Presented to the II Brazilian Convention on Stevia rebaudiana (Bert) Bertoni - September 1982, they found that the use of Stevia did not produce any significant glycemic effects in normal or diabetic rats. In other words, stevia does not add sugar to the blood stream as sugar or even fruit can do. This allows the body to regulate the blood's sugar levels naturally. Of course if you drink tea with stevia with a twinkie, all bets are off but if you are careful with your diet, stevia is a wonderful way to satisfy your cravings for sweets without sugar.
Sunrider's Sunny Dew® supplement is a potent blend of stevia leaf extract and chrysanthemum flowers. Other brands commonly use a chemical reaction to process stevia, altering its natural structure. However, the stevia in SunnyDew® undergoes a unique purifying and concentration process that preserves the natural structure found in its whole food form.
Highly concentrated and all natural, SunnyDew® is an excellent supplement to your diet to help maintain normal blood sugar levels.*
Sunrider SunSmile Herbal Toothpaste
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)

There are hundreds of toothpastes out there in the market, but none of them are as good as they really could be. They have fillers and substances which create foam (soap).
When Dr. Chen created the Sunsmile Toothpaste he wanted to break the typical toothpaste mold and start from scratch. Without looking at what had been done in the past, he created a product that could do what toothpaste is intended to do, clean the mouth, teeth and gums. He designed a new herbal toothpaste that is unparallel. It cleans the teeth without soap (sodium laurel sulfate), abrasives or harmful chemicals like fluoride to kill germs (Fluoride will etch anything, including glass; it actually eats up and dissolves tooth enamel). It does not have saccharin, artificial colors or flavorings.
To explain the uniqueness of SunSmile Toothpaste, Dr. Chen put micro-encapsulated enzymes into the toothpaste. These are enzymes which digest the food particles left between the teeth. When you brush your teeth the capsules break open and release enzymes into the mouth, cleaning up left over food particles that otherwise feed bacteria. Most toothpastes are designed to dissolve plaque or scrub it off. But, Dr. Chen goes straight to the source. If there is no food for bacteria to eat, plaque will not be created in the first place. Additionally, the toothpaste has neem oil which kills bacteria in the mouth and more herbs designed to nourish the gums than any other toothpaste on earth. The power of this toothpaste is unquestionable. There are hundreds of stories about people's success in healing their gums and teeth with this toothpaste, ranging from gum sensitivity, to pockets in the gums, and less time in the dental chair getting cleanings.
It delivers powerful cleaning action without the potentially harmful ingredients found in regular toothpastes. Read the warning labels on retail brands, then feel the difference with SunSmile® Herbal Toothpaste.
Sunrider Philosophy, Company & Nutrition an Introduction (Active Link)
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Sunrider Conference Call with Aadil Palkhivala & Mirra on Monday...
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Aadil Palkhivala and Mirra will host a Sunrider Conference Call on
December 3rd
5:30-6:30 pm (PST)
I hope that you can participate in the LIVE call. Aadil and Mirra spend the first 30 minutes talking about the company, the philosophy of regeneration, the products and their benefits, and the last 30 minutes are focused on the business opportunity. You may listen to as much or as little of the call as you would like. The call is FREE.
To participate in the LIVE CALL
Conference Call Number and Access Code
Call the Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 772-3200
Press in the Participant Access Code: 867129#
To listen to the most recent RECORDED CALL
Free Conference Play Back Number and Access Code
Call the Playback Number: (641) 715-3405
Press in the Access Code: 867129#
Go to http://www.aadil.com/sunrider.htm
Calls are usually posted within 2 weeks after the call.
Wishing you well,
Sara Olea
Assistant to Aadil Palkhivala
(425) 885-7026
Aadil Palkhivala and Mirra will host a Sunrider Conference Call today
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Aadil Palkhivala and Mirra will host a Sunrider Conference Call on
November 19th, 5:30-6:30 (PST)
I hope that you can participate in the LIVE call. Aadil and Mirra spend the first 30 minutes talking about the company, the philosophy of regeneration, the products and their benefits, and the last 30 minutes are focused on the business opportunity. You may listen to as much or as little of the call as you would like. The call is FREE.
To participate in the LIVE CALL
Conference Call Number and Access Code
Call the Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 772-3200
Press in the Participant Access Code: 867129#
To listen to the most recent RECORDED CALL
Free Conference Play Back Number and Access Code
Call the Playback Number: (641) 985-5005
Press in the Access Code: 867129#
Go to http://www.aadil.com/sunrider.htm
Calls are usually posted within 2 weeks after the call.
The next conference call is SCHEDULED for December 3rd
Sharon Stone's Beauty Secrets ("I like Sunrider Calli tea, an herbal...
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
How does Hollywood's hottest 49-year-old maintain that youthful glow, shiny hair, and perfectly toned body? She trusts her basic (beauty) instincts.

When you interview movie stars, it's always interesting to see which ones have obviously spent three hours in hair and makeup before the interview and which ones feel comfortable enough in their own skin to meet you sans makeup, styled hair, or borrowed shoes. This interview with Sharon Stone had its own brilliant beauty trajectory: When I arrived at Stone's suite at the Hotel Gansevoort in Manhattan, she was fresh scrubbed and just settling in to get primped for a big event later that day. As we talked, she was slowly transformed from bedhead and Levi's to a bronzed glamazon in a Missoni dress.
The first thing you notice about Stone is that even without makeup, she appears preternaturally youthful for a woman about to hit the midcentury mark. Not in that I've-had-my-entire-head-Botoxed way that so many women in Hollywood do, but like someone with enviably good genes who doesn't smoke or drink coffee and probably does Pilates. (Guess what? Her parents are good-looking. She doesn't smoke. Rarely drinks alcohol or caffeine. And, yes, she has used Pilates equipment.)
When Stone stripped down to her Hanky Panky thong so the makeup artist could meticulously bronze her limbs ("Do you mind?" she asked me, already out of her jeans), it became clear that although she claims not to stick to any specific exercise regimen, she has a body that anyone half her age would be thrilled with. Trust me, I saw it up close. This is a woman who takes care of herself.
So it comes as no surprise that in addition to her work as an actress and activist, the perfect skin and nice bod landed Stone a contract in 2005 with a big-time beauty brand, Dior's Capture Totale skin care, reminding everyone that women over 40 have the tools to look fabulous, too.
How did it feel when you got the call from Dior? "I was like, 'Hello? Are you kidding me?' You don't normally think when you're 47 that you're going to have a cosmetics company calling you up. I said to my agent, 'They need to come over and take a look at me. I don't want to change. I don't want to be different than who I am and what I am.' The Dior executives came over, and I booked us a table at an outdoor restaurant. I didn't wear makeup because I wanted them to really look at my face. I wanted them to understand that I wasn't planning on any plastic surgery, and this was it."
What happened at the meeting? "I wanted to know, Why me? They said that year I had stood up at the World Economic Forum at Davos, and they loved that I was courageously standing up for others. They wanted someone who had courage and a voice. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it, because I have had people drop me from other things because they're so afraid of things I've said or done or things I believed in."
I hear you're involved in product development. "When Dior sends me a product, I try it first on my leg or my arm, like you clinically try it. That's how I first tried Capture Totale skin care, and that's how I knew we needed to develop a product for the body because it was so great on my legs. They're making the body product now." (The cream is slated to launch in fall 2008.)
What are your Dior favorites? "Dior makes the best lip glosses going. I'm nuts about them, especially the clear one with the silver sparkles. I got addicted to DiorShow Mascara, too. It makes you look like you're wearing false eyelashes. It's the only one that rivals Maybelline."
What's your everyday makeup routine? "I use Visiora cream base as concealer under my eyes because regular concealer is too heavy. Most make you look older. I like to use Stila cream blush, which I put on with a flat brush. It makes you look sun kissed. I also groom my eyebrows. Oh, and I carry gloss — Clinique Superbalm or the DiorKiss tubes — all the time."
And what about for a big night out? "I can go completely berserk with the makeup, depending on the event. I'm currently in this very mod stage. I wear false lashes and color on my eyelids. I'm really liking shiny eyelids in copper, rose, gold, or silver."
Do you wear fragrance? "I wear Aveda Energizing oil. I am big into aromatherapy."
Your skin looks flawless. How do you take care of it? "I use M.A.C. Wipes or a Shiseido cleansing water to cleanse my face, and then I use all my Dior Capture Totale products. That's it, very quick and simple."
No facials? "No! I don't like people to push and pick at my face."
You're wearing your hair short again. "Rod Ortega gave me this short cut. I have to say I never liked my haircut unless I did it myself. I always cut my own hair. But he did it. He's such a good haircutter, and I love it." (Ortega makes house calls in L.A. Call Solo Artists at 310-558-7656.)
Who does the color? "I was really unhappy with my hair color. I was shooting a movie in Jacksonville, Florida, and I heard there was a colorist, Ron Nepa, who was great. I went to him and he spent four hours and fixed my color, and I really love it. He took all the weird brassiness out, and to top it off, he was so nice." (Call Ron at Arcadia Place salon in Jacksonville at 904-396-6002.)
What are your favorite hair products? "I am nuts about the Tancho stick. It's a styling wax. It works better than anything else, but you have to use it sparingly. Just touch your finger on it and then touch your hair. It makes your hair stand up and gives great tousled texture. Then I spray dry shampoo or the Blondish Hair Powder from Bumble and Bumble. The powder sticks to the wax. I think it's important to change your shampoos and conditioners. I keep at least four different brands going in the shower. Right now, I like John Frieda and PureOlogy. But I don't wash my hair every day, only every three to four days."
Are you a believer in plastic surgery? "If you want to have plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery, live it up; go ahead and have it. But if you don't want to have it, don't have it. All these people who keep saying they gave it to me — well, I must never get out of the operating room! How about I happen to be fine and you have not sliced me? It seems to be unfathomable to people that I just happen to be 49 and look good. I am totally capable of accepting myself."
You're very slim. Do you have a special diet? "I don't really want to be fat, so I stop before I am. I'm not a vegetarian, but I might go through a phase when I'm not interested in eating protein for a week or so, and then I might go through a phase when I eat nothing but steak. I don't use caffeine unless I use it medicinally. I don't eat onions or garlic or a lot of shade fruits because I think of them as medicine. I don't use a ton of dairy, but I feel like I need the fat as I've gotten older. I have the body type, which I think I've been lucky about, that is a little skinny. I am a tea fanatic. I like Sunrider Calli tea, an herbal cleansing tea. I don't like the feeling of being drunk, so drinking hard liquor has never been of interest to me. I have wine with dinner, which I enjoy. My weakness is dark chocolate. I carry little tins of it in my purse."
Do you work out? "I work out only as much as I have to to not be a fat ass. I chase three children to stay in shape. I don't have a regular routine. When I notice things aren't quite where I want them to be, I kind of move more, step it up. You park farther from the door; you take the stairs instead of the elevator."
Do you fear aging? Do you think about it? "Yes. And sometimes I literally have to sit down and look at myself and say, 'You are a lot older, and you look completely different.' You can't just keep doing the same hairdo or the same makeup and the same jewelry and the same look. You have to face the face that you have. I'm not the 32-year-old pretty girl from Basic Instinct.
"The other day, I thought, 'Confront this; you really are starting to look so extreme. What are you going to do about this? You're going to have to change the way you are looking.' This was after I decided I can't deal with the hair extensions. I am done with hair extensions.
"I thought, 'Okay, I'm going to wear a little less makeup and more jewelry. I'm going to wear bolder pieces: huge earrings and bracelets and necklaces.' [I think of] women I admire, like Carmen Dell'Orefice and Paloma Picasso, women that have these really powerful looks. I might as well just go with it."
Find this article at: http://www.harpersbazaar.com/beauty/beauty-articles/sharon-stone-beauty-secrets
Sunrider's Kandesn® & Oi-Lin® Skin Care & Color Cosmetics
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Like our Kandesn® and Oi-Lin® Skin Care, our Kandesn® Color Cosmetics are formulated with the finest ingredients such as jojoba oil and squalane. Kandesn® Color Cosmetics work in harmony with all skin types, skin tones, and ethnicities. The colors enhance your natural beauty so you look yourself, only better!
Sunrider's Kandesn skin care from a professional's perspective
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Kandesn® easy to share. While you do not need to be an expert in skin
care or make up to succeed, we want to share the experience of one of
Sunrider's Distributors who is a professional make-up artist.
Director Norma Hill-Patton from Vancouver, Canada has been a
successful professional make-up artist for over 34 years. She has
worked on major feature films such as "Out of Africa," "Double
Jeopardy", "Insomnia" and "Catwoman." Some of the artists she has
worked with include Phil Collins, Paul McCartney, Ryan Phillippe,
Ellen Barkin and Hilary Swank. Hill-Patton is Halle Berry's personal
make-up artist and is currently working on "Two for the Money", where
she will be doing the make-up for Al Pacino and Rene Russo. As the
head of the make-up department, she always tries to use Kandesn®. She
says, "Sometimes, however, the stars insist on using brand names that
have publicity and they are familiar with. Often I am able to
influence their choice into trying the best - which I believe is
Recently, Canada Elle featured Hill-Patton in its July 2004 issue and
she named Kandesn® Moisturizing Lip Colors in Raspberry and Toffee as
her favorite lipsticks. She also went to the 2004 Grand Convention in
Long Beach and participated in Sheryl Fitzharris' Kandesn® workshop.
We asked Hill-Patton how she shares Kandesn® in her professional and
Sunrider® business.
How did you become involved with Sunrider and Kandesn®?
A friend gave some NuPuffs® to my son. After enquiring where I could
obtain some, Sheryl Fitzharris did a presentation for me. At her
presentation she also told me about Kandesn® and the business
This was particularly interesting to me as I have always been
concerned with the toxicity of many of the other brands of skin care
and cosmetics out there! Plus, I have long been looking for a business
opportunity that would not only give me a substantial amount of money
(which I can earn in my chosen career), but would also give me the
valuable TIME, that I don't have right now!
Do you cross-sell with the other Sunrider products or is your business
mainly with Kandesn®?
I promote and do my business with ALL of the Sunrider® products
because I love them all. My focus seem to be on Kandesn® because I use
the products in my work. Beauty starts within, so I try to encourage
everyone to at least go on the "basic program' to begin with. This is
especially important for me, as my actors' faces are my "Canvas".
As a professional make-up artist, you are exposed to a huge selection
of skin care and cosmetics. Why did you choose Kandesn®? How does
Kandesn® differ from other skin care and cosmetics?
I do, of course, have available to me nearly every possible brand of
cosmetics and skin care on the market (and many that aren't). I am so
thankful to have discovered Kandesn® as I am now totally confident in
the purity of the product. Also, the make-up looks amazing on the
skin, both to the eye and on the screen - and I don't know of another
product that REJUVENATES the skin at the same time!
What are people looking for in their skin care and cosmetics needs?
Most people are looking for products that look great and are good
value. That's why Sunrider's "concentration" is so wonderful. We
really get value for our money. I don't think that most people realize
just how toxic many other products are, and so it's our job, as
Sunrider® Distributors, to educate them!
What are some of your favorite Kandesn products?
It's very difficult to choose my favorite Kandesn® product because I
love them all! I suppose that my all time favorite has to be Oi-Lin®
Replenish Gel. I love the feel, the smell and most of all the effect!
I have seen the most amazing results both on my own skin and that of
everyone that I have introduced it to!
How do you share Kandesn with other people?
When I introduce Kandesn®, it is usually by using it on people.
However, I believe that we are a "product of the product." I am often
asked what I am wearing, both on my face, and which perfume. By the
way, I love to wear Forbidden™ For Men, which I share with my husband!
How do you see your Kandesn® business growing? What are your goals
with Kandesn®?
I want to become a National Kandesn® Advisor. My goal is to travel
around internationally presenting Kandesn® and teaching people (many
of whom have never done business with the public before) how to do
their own make-up properly. This would give them more confidence,
knowing that they really look good. My professional experience has
taught me that men also benefit from knowing how to disguise the odd
flaw or blemish!
Aadil Palkhivala on Elements Of Purna Yoga - Video (active link)
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Sunrider Conference Call on November 19th, 5:30-6:30 (PST)
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
Call the Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 772-3200
Press in the Participant Access Code: 867129#
Call the Playback Number: (641) 985-5005
Press in the Access Code: 867129#
noreply@blogger.com (Chad S)
circulatory and digestive systems. CHLOROPHYLL is the green pigment in
plants that harnesses the sun's energy in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll
is to plants what blood is to humans. Interestingly, the chlorophyll
molecule is chemically similar to human blood, EXCEPT, it's central atom
is magnesium, whereas that of human blood is iron. HOWEVER...when
chlorophyll is consumed and assimilated by humans, it fortifies and
oxygenates our blood and assists the body in building our IRON supply in
the blood. REMEMBER...chlorophyll is NOT iron, therefore it is
difficult to get too much chlorophyll, but you can get too much iron.
Iron supplements are often synthetic, causing a build-up and often
causing constipation.
People may have different symptoms...but I will share my experience.
I have battled it at times...as YES it often is a reaction in
menstrual or
Menopause process. First indication is a general weakness in the
nerves and muscles feeling as if I have no strength, a tingling in the
fingers, and a slight depression and feeling of wanting to weep.
A single test you can do yourself, which always proves true for women
and men who have used it, (thanks to my aunt's wisdom) is : Go to a
mirror, pull down your lower eye-lid and look at the inner color of the
eye-lid. If it is pale (often the same color as your skin) you are low
in iron. It should be a healthy red.
Iron deficiency is most often caused by insufficient intake...However,
it can result from intestinal bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding,
poor digestion, long term illness, ulcers, prolonged use of antacids,
excessive coffee or black tea consumption, deficiency of Vitamins B6 or
B12. Use Sunrider's VITASPRAY to help hemoglobin production. And last
but not least...Dr. Jensen in his book "Nature Has A Remedy" says "Cast
out fear. Stop using the motor force of the brain, such as that used in
leadership, driving in traffic, working with a high-pressure boss,
antagonism, resistive feelings, lecturing, gossiping and heavy
responsibilities. Get exercise. Iron attracts oxygen. Send the
anemic to the mountains, where the air is alive and pure and where
nature develops the will faculties." INTERESTING, huh!!
There are many liquid chlorophyll products on the market. Some are good,
some not as good. Dr. Chen of Sunrider, began researching Evergreen
with the understanding that the human body can only use chlorophyll in
its natural oil soluble state. However, all liquid chlorophyll
supplements, in order to remain stable, become water soluble during
processing and the body can't get as much from them. Thus the key word
Dr. Chen said drinking Evergreen would be like giving the body a blood
EVERGREEN comes in a ½ oz vial of liquid...10 vials to a box . (See
Mix 1 vial of Evergreen into at least 8 oz or more of water or liquid.
You may add it to Calli or Fortune Delight.
Lorene H. in Illinois reports that they have brought down
grandchildren's fevers quickly, by opening a vial, inserting a straw and
letting the child sip it right out of the vial.
It is wonderful for digestive disturbances and bowels or bleeding in the
colon. It sweetens the breath, digestive system and bowels, and
lubricates the illeocecal valve, the valve that sometimes sticks in your
lower right abdomen where the small intestine empties into the large
intestine (colon), and causes discomfort and back-up...and if you drink
chlorophyll regularly, you probably won't need underarm deodorant.
Helps with kidney and bladder function to eliminate water retention in
the body. Chlorophyll is great for nausea or morning sickness in
expectant mothers.
Good for colic in babies. Research in World War II revealed applying
to wounds helped keep the wounds clean and speed
healing. Helps keep infection down in the body.
Other iron food include: blackstrap molasses, dulse, kelp, almonds,
Another SUNRIDER food that is a good source of iron is DANDELION.
But none as QUICKLY effective as SUNRIDER's refreshing slightly mint
flavored EVERGREEN.