From: "Colleen Ceton"
Date: October 6, 2001 11:23:13 AM PDT
Subject: Are SR products G.E. and Organic
Dear Sunriders:
As we are sponsoring more new people into Sunrider, questions come up by our new distributor. Such a question has come to me about SR plants that DR. Chen uses in our food products, being Genetically Modified?
The simple answer is NO. Emphatically NO.
I forwarded the question to Mrs. Chen. Her answer backed me up. Sunrider Products that use plants, are NOT Genetically Engineered, Modified or Altered in any way.
I responded back to our new distributor the following letter, giving my personal experience on the subject.
You may want to make this question clearly answered for all your new distributors you sponsor or who are in your downline.
Here is my answer. I hope it helps you share Sunrider products with confidence. Our products are CLEAN AND GREEN. Which means to me they are environmentally safe and friendly!!
Dr. Chen mentioned at convention that 70%- to 75% of all ingredients used in our household products were unsafe and contained toxic ingredients that were harmful to our body.
Folks, as I have said before, it is my belief that Sunrider products in today's world could be the POLLUTION SOLUTION!
Thanks for your commitment and loyalty. We appreciate you.
Sharon Farnsworth
Dear Wayne:
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it on to the Chens.
But I would like to take the opportunity to discuss the issue with you.
First of all there is no world wide standards for organic.
My husband is a farmer here in Utah, and even here in Utah there are no standards like California for organic.
So we are talking terms that mean different things to different people. Is that fair? So to have it in writing may not apply to every country, as SR is an International company, dealing in about 35 or more different countries.
So again we are talking legal terms, aren't we?
But let me explain what I tell people in my presentations. I like to take the company profile and show the botanical gardens. I explain that SR owns 1000 acres of land high up in the tops of the mountains in Taiwan. It is close to a town called Gaee. (And that is not the correct spelling, just how it sounds.)
A few years ago, Sunrider sponsored a convention in Taiwan and Hong Kong. At that time l8 bus loads of USA Sunriders were privileged to visit the Botanical Gardens in Taiwan. I was the captain of our bus. When we arrived at the botanical gardens, we were met by The Chens. Dr. Tie Fu became our personal guide. I was so impressed, and so was my husband who farms.
I then took Dr. Chen by surprise by asking him questions. I asked him what type of fertilizer he used. He said they only used sea vegetation. Then I asked him what kind of pesticides and spray they used. He said they didn't use any. I asked him how they could do that.
His answer was a real learning experience for me. DR Chen said, "When the soil is balanced with nutrition or the elements the plants need that the plant is healthy and resists the bugs, just like when we have a healthy body, it is more resistant to disease." He said they might get an occasional bug, but nothing to worry about. If his workers find a bug, they just squish it.
My husband was so impressed that DR Chen could raise 1000 acres of so many different kind of plants for research and do it in our terms, "organically" that he came home with a new resolve. That if Dr. Chen could do it, he could do it. My husband John then proceeded to tear up over 4000 apple trees to start over organically. He is still working on that project. This year we have and are harvesting apples peaches, tomatoes, melons, cucumbers squash, many different varieties of peppers, Zucchini and yellow squash and more. It is all nearly organic. And I can tell you the flavor is out of this world.
Another thing I learned from Dr. Chen is that there is a direct correlation to the size, flavor, taste and nutritional content of our food. The better it tastes, the more nutrients it contains. I can testify this is true. The produce we raise on our 25 Acer Sandy farm and our 950 Acer Lake View farm tastes so much better than the produce we can purchase else where, but mostly compared to the grocery stores. Those tomatoes taste like cardboard in comparison to a vine ripened healthy organic tomatoes.
I do know that Dr. Chin's research at the botanical gardens has earned him an honorary doctorate degree from the Chinese Cultural University in Taiwan.
I do know that Dr. Chen requires all the farmers that raise herbs that go into our foods, to raise them to his standards, (which is probably higher than organic) or he will not use their crops. These herbs are tested and tasted when they are purchased and arrive at our processing plants, rather they are in Taiwan, USA, China Singapore or now India. If they do not meet Dr. Chens standard of growing, they are rejected and not used. Common sense will tell anyone who understands the enhancement and concentration processing, that he can't make nutrients and concentrate them, if they are not there to begin with.
Another thing that I have been very impressed with is that Dr. Chen had herb masters that at the botanical gardens would taste the finished product for quality taste etc. These tea masters could actually tell you the name of the farmer who had raised the particular herbs that were used in that particular batch, just from the taste.
Another thing you might be interested to know is that our herbs are taken to a plant in Hong Kong where they are hand cleaned. That means they are cleaned by people by hand, to make sure there is no foreign object or elements in the herbs. They are then put into barrels, sealed. And stamped by the USA agricultural department. There is an officer employed to inspect our herbs for cleanliness.
When they are shipped into the USA for instance, all herbs by law that are not inspected prior to their entry to the USA have to be irradiated and fumigated. The law is that 10% of the whole of herbs imported into the USA can be something other than the herb listed on the label. That means that little insects or mouse droppings could be in there. All of Sunrider's herbs are cleaned and cleared before by having the stamp of approval on the barrel. So they do not have to go through this process, which in my opinion would destroy some of the nutritional value of the plants.
So when we talk clean, we mean clean.
Your other question about GMO or Genetically altered plants:
Dr. Chen has very strong opinion against anything Genetically Altered. I know this for a fact, again from talking with him. You see, Drs. Chens are my sponsors in SR. I have had the distinct privilege of studding and learning from him, before he started Sunrider. I knew him for about two or three years before Sunrider.
Since Sunrider, I have been trained by him personally on all the foods and products. He is a very futuristic man. He knew so many things that he was teaching me, and I was trying to teach my downline, about 20 years before our scientists and doctors are learning today and telling us. I trust these people in Sunrider. I know the background. I know the quality. I had serious health challenges before eating SR foods and was on a quest of excellence of health. No one had the answers or solutions like SR's ancient Chinese whole food concentrates.
Another thing that you may not know is that Dr. Chen now owns a very large pharmaceutical plant in Taiwan, that he inherited from his uncle, when he died. I remember Dr. Chen telling me about his uncle, and how he had trained him and he had worked for his uncle when he was younger.
Dr. Chen has turned this pharmaceutical plant now into his research and development plant. I have traveled all over the world with Drs. Chens. When I was in Malaysia speaking for the grand opening, I was with a Chinese couple that were friends of Drs. Chens. The husband was the General manager for Taiwan, and I had known him before, form visiting Taiwan. But this time, I was having a chance to get better acquainted with his wife. Just by chance, I asked her if she worked or what she did. She very humbly told me that she also worked for Drs. Chens in Taiwan. That she was the head of his research and development laboratory in Taiwan. I had no idea who she was. Both of these people were classmates of Drs. Chens when they attended the Kaosuin (not spelled correctly) Medical College. Which I incidentally have also been with them when they returned for the first time after graduating some years before?
Again while with Dr. Chen in Mexico, there was a medical doctor who was requesting an appointment with DR. Chen. I was fortunate enough to be invited to sit in, as the guy was in my down line. The question that the MD had for Dr. Chen was: "What is you opinion on Genetic Engineering?" Well, after about two hours of discussion by the two, I found out how really against GE or GMO Dr. Chen really is. He really got emotional at how bad it is and do we really know what we are doing with this technology? I know he personally is very much against it. With his strict enforcement of all the plants being used in our foods. I can tell you that he wouldn't consider using such plants.
I am a very strong proponent against Genetic Engineering. I have been on my band wagon, trying to wake up people against it.
Dr. Chen is very fussy about the seeds that are used for the planting of the plants. He doesn't even use hybrid seeds. He doesn't like to purchase soy beans or any plants from the USA, if he can help it, because, he doesn't like the way our plants are grown here. If there is a choice for the plant, grown inside or outside of the USA, he prefers outside. Even if the price is higher. He controls the farmers as to how they raise their plants.
He would never considered buying apples from my husband to put in Nu Plus, because of the pesticides and sprays my husband used to use. Now he has changed.
In private conversations with me, he would tell me of his concern for my husband, because of the poison he used on our farm. Now that has changed. But I can tell you that those early years of me using guthion and other toxic sprays on the apples, really affected my health. It was one of the contributing reasons, I was searching for truth and knowledge to save my own life and health. You see when we were first married, John, my husband had to get other jobs to support us until the farm started producing. So I then became his only farm hand. I then had to do the work, which I didn't like at all doing. And it nearly killed me in the process. I would mix the toxic spray and spray the trees. Even though I wore a respirator, my body was sprayed with the toxic substance. But we all have to learn, don't we?
Well, I don't have legal documentation for you. I don't know of any literature that exactly states what you are asking for.
But I have told you my personal experience with SR, and Drs. Chens. I don't know if it helps or not, but it is the best I can do. Learning from the master himself is about all I can do for you.
I can appreciate your concerns. They were my concerns also as you could see from my experience. He personally has answered my concerns. But the best way I can tell you is eating the foods, and experiencing the renewal of my health has been worth everything to me. I know the products are safe, clean, green pure and environmentally safe. They do what our literature and training says. They nourish, cleanse and help bring the body back to balance.
Sunriders foods and products have been one of the greatest blessings of my life. And they can bless anyone who will use these fabulous products.
Sometimes, we have to have faith and trust.
May I suggest, for your own benefit so you can see with your own eyes, and you can learn firsthand yourself, as I have, that you not miss next years Sunrider World Convention? It will be held in Anaheim on August 5, 2002. You can visit the botanical gardens in Torrance. You can visit the production facilities in the City Of Industry. Unties you experience these places yourself, you have no idea what it is like. And the fact that SR lets you visit these plants, is unheard of in today's manufacturing world. Take advantage of the opportunities that awaits you.
Your life will be blessed. Your family will be blessed. And you can give the gift of health beauty and wealth, just by helping us share Sunrider with others. You can then bless the lives of others.
We have over 100,000 distributors in our SR Family in the USA and Canada. And we are only just beginning to share a very timely message with the world. You can help.
I hope in some small way that this has helped you to have more knowledge and understanding about Sunrider. I love Sunrider. It is something I am really passionate about.
Sharon Farnsworth
Executive Director
Doing business in USA, Canada, Europe and Mexico.
My downline exists in Japan, Israel, Eastern Europe, Russia and Australia.
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