Your Opportunity?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Colonoscopy Video-Time to Detox!
Hiromi Shinya, is a Japanese-born gastroenterologist. Dr. Shinya designed and developed a life-saving medical tool for the endoscopic treatment of polyps. Without requiring use of surgery, his revolutionary "Shinya Method" has become widely used in colonoscopies. He has examined over 300,000 stomachs and large intestines. He believes that diseases may come from our diets. He insists that to have good health, colon cleansing and good eating habits are a must for a healthy life!
Easy, Safe Detox: Use Calli, Fortune Delight, Slim Caps & Fibertone
Drink Calli and Fortune Delight on a daily basis. These antioxidants have been shown to be effective in absorbing damaging free radicals.
While many of the undesirable elements we take into our body are quickly eliminated, others are not. Combined with a healthy meal and exercise program, the unique herbal extracts in Calli® assist in the body's natural cleansing processes.
Use SlimCaps and Fibertone to detox and add fiber to the intestines.Fibertone® specifically addresses the digestive system with a proprietary blend of herbs to help keep yin and yang in balance.*
Fibertone® supplement enhances the natural process of the digestive system.* Our exclusive formulation contains an all-natural combination of oat bran, psyllium seed and other beneficial herbs that assist the body's metabolism.*
Shinyas' Health Plan:
Good Eating Habits:
Dr. Shinya recommends dividing food intake to 90% fruits and vegetables and 10% protein. The points for good eating are:
1. Eat unpurified grains or cereals.
2. Eat more vegetables.
3. More seafood, less meat.
4. Eat raw foods.
5. Do not eat oxidized foods.
6. Eat fermented foods.
7. Avoid milk and milk products.
8. Take Vitamins and Minerals
9. Be disciplined with the food you eat. Remember, you are what you eat!
Good Water-Water is essential for your health. Drinking "good water" such as mineral water; especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH. Optimal quantity is about 2 -3 cups about 1 hour before each meal. (Calli and Fortune Delight help alkaline our pH balance as well. I drink both daily!)
Good Excretion
Start a daily habit to remove 'intestinal pollutants' and to clean out your systems regularly. (I use Slim Caps and Fibertone from Sunrider for safe detox.)
Best to you, Julia Herring
Sunrider Independent Distributor
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunrider’s Chinese Goldenseal Root
Herbal knowledge falls into two basic classes: Food herbs and Medicine herbs. Most herbs used today are used as medicine; in times of body crisis and as a safer option to drugs. Sunrider is the one company firmly committed to providing formulas made from carefully blended and balanced food-grade herbs. The focus of the Sunrider whole – food program is not on “curing disease”, but on feeding and nourishing the body for prevention and protection. On the other hand, the focus on medicine, whether it be drugs or medicinal herbs, should be solely to temporarily curb illness.
Sunrider has the most advanced perfectly balanced system of whole food nourishment available today. This program is found in the Sunpack, which consists of NuPlus, Calli beverage, and the five system-specific herbal food formulas found in Quinary.
As companions to the foundation Sunpack program, Dr. Chen has also concentrated and enhanced five single herbs available in capsules: Siberian Ginseng, Korean White Ginseng, Dandelion Root, Golden Seal Root and White Willow Bark. In this issue, we profile one of the most popular American herbs, Golden Seal Root.
Golden Seal’s Roots
Golden Seal was first discovered and used by the Cherokee Indians and later admitted to the official U.S. pharmacopoeia. In the late 1800’s, Golden Seal became so popular and scarce it was selling for 100 times that of other herbs. The Rodale Press Herb Book says of Golden Seal: “The botanical name Hydrastis, derived from two Greek words meaning water and to accomplish, is a clue to the principal property of the root. It is a general tonic for the mucous membranes.” (p. 463). Golden Seal is considered one of nature’s greatest antibiotics, and acts as a tonic to the entire system.
In his classic herbal reference work, School of Natural Healing, Dr. John R. Christopher writes of Golden Seal: “This is a powerful tonic for assimilation. It effectively tones the mucous membranes and any other tissues it contacts, increases and improves the appetite, gastric secretions and flow of bile, and aids in digestion.” (p. 437)
Other reference books also mention these possible nourishing benefits of Golden Seal Root: Extremely beneficial in relieving congestion and fighting infection; special aid for the liver, gall bladder, circulation and veins; and tonic for the pancreas. Many herbalists have used Golden Seal in formulas for the eyes, which makes sense. One of Golden Seal’s components, hydrastine, is an ingredient in commercial eye drops like Visine.
The Sunrider Difference
All Golden Seal is not created equal. Like Ginseng, there are many different varieties and grades. In addition, the root of the plant is much more potent than the herb (leaves, flowers and stems). Most Golden Seal found in health food stores are leaves. The root is more expensive, and for good reason. In fact, the Cherokees gave Golden Seal its name because they revered the potency of its yellow root.
What’s the difference between Sunrider Golden Seal Root and others? You’d think they’d be pretty much alike. In fact, Sunrider herbal concentrates are far advanced above regular herbs. Sunrider’s unique processing greatly enhances the viability and nourishing benefits of all Sunrider herbs. How?
When herbs are processed by ordinary means, the manufacturer takes the root, leaf, stem, whatever, and simply grinds them up. This powder is then placed into a capsule or tea bag. Utilized by most herbal producers, this procedure creates two primary concerns, which underscores the Sunrider difference.
Difference Number One: Standardization
With ordinary processing, you can’t be certain how much of the herb’s beneficial components are in each capsule or tea bag. A plant has its components concentrated at different points in the plant. For example, salicin, the primary component in White Willow, is not evenly distributed throughout the plant, but found in a few concentrated spots in the bark. With grinding, the beneficial parts of the plant may be concentrated in a few capsules and missing from the rest. Sunrider’s concentration and enhancement processes insure that the beneficial components of each plant are consistently and evenly distributed throughout the concentrate powder. It is this type of precise control and enhancement that sets Sunrider apart and makes our foods so effective. No other manufacturer uses this process.
This enhancement is clearly evident in Sunrider Golden Seal Root. A young mother from California relates her experience: “My two youngest children and I came down with an infection at the same time. I didn’t have any of our Golden Seal Root, so I went to the health food store and bought the popular brand of the root. I had taken other brands before and had never noticed much improvement. It always ends up costing a lot more than the Sunrider because I have to take a lot more of the health food store brand to notice anything at all. I mixed their Golden Seal into my three-year-old’s cereal and he couldn’t eat it. He told me it “stung his mouth”. Well, I got ahold of Sunrider’s Golden Seal Root, and began taking that. Within a few days, my infection began to clear up, and not only was I able to mix the herb into my son’s cereal, but I diluted it and dropped it into the baby’s nose and eyes for her infection as well. (I would never trust another Golden Seal enough to do that!) She cleared right up. I now keep a few bottles of Sunrider Golden Seal on hand, especially at this time of year.”
Difference Number Two: Quality
The second area of concern is herb quality and integrity. Most herb companies purchase their herbs in bulk from one of a couple of major herb brokers, much like they do with the generic USP powders for their vitamins. These herbs sit on docks and in warehouses for months at a time, and are often moldy, cut with dirt and other plants, and infested with insects, all of which go into the grinder. Some just buy the herb already ground, which is even more suspect. The consumer not only pays for the herb, but all those little “extras” as well. The first step in the Sunrider process is to get rid of all the parts of the plant we don’t needs.
Dr. Chen is an herbal perfectionist. He insists on controlling every step of Sunrider herb production. Sunrider herbs are grown by Sunrider, picked fresh and at the appropriate seasonal times by Sunrider and manufactured by Sunrider. Every batch of raw herbs is tested for purity and freshness. This is Dr. Chen’s greatest source of pride. In fact, several times a month, he flies to any one of several worldwide growing locations to personally oversee every stage of herb development. Sunrider herbs are the purest, finest herbs available. Period.
Biochemistry of Golden Seal
There has been some misunderstanding with Golden Seal Root and blood sugar. Golden Seal has a component that gently tones and stimulates the pancreas. People with blood sugar irregularities like hypoglycemia are often warned not to eat Golden Seal. Dr. Chen understands the biochemistry of the herbal plant and the body’s response. During the process of enhancement, he makes certain that any unbalancing effects of the plant are balanced. This is evident in our Golden Seal Root. In my own experience, before Sunrider, I fought blood sugar imbalances, and had reactions to regular Golden Seal Root. I have eaten Sunrider Golden Seal many times, and find it very beneficial.
Dr. Chen states that Golden Seal Root is a plant that does not need to be eaten continually. Only eat it when you need it. Golden Seal is one of the support herbs to the basic foundation whole food formulas, and forms an important part of your “prevention and protection” program. Conco and Alpha 20C can nourish and strengthen the body’s natural immune response. When the body becomes run-down, we may require the temporary nourishment of an herb like Sunrider’s Golden Seal.
Note: Sunrider Golden Seal Root is available in the United States but not Canada.
This information is provided for nutritional purposes only. It is not the intent of the author to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, by all means, consult a physician.
Sunrider's Bella
Uses and Benefits:
● Helps ease the physical and mental changes associated with menopause,
including mood swings and hot flashes*
● Helps the body maintain the feeling and appearance of youth*
● Nourishes, smoothes and softens the skin, reducing wrinkles and
● Promotes better sleep*
● Boosts the body’s ability to absorb calcium*
● Helps balance energy and moods, promoting the feelings of serenity and
being present*
● Contains all-natural, concentrated herbal ingredients
● Contains no added hormones
● Contains no Mexican Wild Yam (a steroid containing cortisone that
yields negative long-term side-effects*)
Bella functions especially well when consumed with Sunrider’s Calli*. Consume one or more capsules twice a day with meals. Bella is also beneficial for, and may be consumed by men; however, men should not consume more Bella than Sunrider’s Veros.
Pueraria root; barrenwort leaf; marsh parsley leaf; white cornel fruit (cornus florida); red clover; Chinese ginseng root; dong quai; leek seed; mongolia-vine fruit (citrus wilsonii); boschniakia herb (boschniakia glabra); cnidium seed.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sunrider FAQ
• What is network marketing?
• How is Sunrider's compensation plan different?
• What is the Starter Pack? How can I buy one?
• What is the first-time Director Performance Bonus and Marketing Tool Pack?
• Is Sunrider a pyramid scheme?
• Are the negative stories I've heard about Sunrider true?
What is network marketing?
Network marketing, or multilevel marketing, is part of the thriving direct selling industry. In multilevel marketing, independent Distributors sell a consumable product, person-to-person, away from a fixed, retail location like a traditional grocery or department store. Multilevel marketing plans compensate Distributors on their own product sales and on the product sales of their downline (network).
As a multilevel marketing company, Sunrider offers many benefits to its Distributors, including:
A generous, global compensation plan so you can build a stable income.
Flexible work hours--you choose your own hours.
Your very own business with a small initial investment.
Access to the finest herbal health products for your family and home.
Opportunity for people of all ages, education levels, and backgrounds to earn extra income.*
Your success is limited only by your willingness to work hard!
*You must be 18 or older to sign up as a Distributor.
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How is Sunrider's compensation plan different?
There are many direct selling and multilevel compensation plans available such as binary systems and straight systems. However, Sunrider's compensation plan is unique and superior in several important ways:
Make money from the beginning. In many network systems, new people have trouble making money right away because the money flows disproportionately to the uplines. Also, networks simply take time to build. Sunrider has a fair and generous compensation plan. In our plan, new Distributors can start making money as soon as they sign up. This is in addition to the profits new Distributors make from selling our award-winning products.
Make a stable, long-term income. Unlike other companies which pay out only 10% to 40%, Sunrider pays out 20% of Sunrider sales price for the Club Member Bonus and an actual 58.5% SV, one of the best in the industry. Rewards include generous bonus checks, dream homes, new automobiles, and fun vacations.* Other companies come and go, but Sunrider has been in business since 1982 and has never missed a payout.
Make money while you sleep. Sunrider has a global compensation plan so you can do business in over 40 countries. This allows you to make money around the clock.
* Sunrider makes no guarantee of any earnings or profits to any Distributor. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence and leadership.
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What is the Starter Pack? How can I buy one?
The Starter Pack contains a selection of our best-selling products and essential marketing tools. It’s our most popular product pack and introduces people to Sunrider's high-quality products. We developed the simple Starter Pack system to help you quickly build your Sunrider business. When you purchase a Starter Pack, you can sign up to be a Sunrider Distributor.
You can purchase the Starter Pack from your sponsor or directly from Sunrider. It's a small investment to enjoy the best business opportunity and the best products.
Starter Pack I includes
1 Calli® 10-pack
1 Fortune Delight® 3 g 10-pack
1 SunSmile® Fruit & Vegtable Rinse 1 oz.
1 VitaShake® 10-pack
1 Sunbreeze® Oil .17 oz.
1 SunSmile® Herbal Toothpaste 2.3 oz.
1 Kandesn® Regular Skin Care Trial Set .5 oz. ea.
1 Shaker Bottle 16 oz.
Sunrider® Sales Price List
Sunrider® Product Catalog
Business Guide
Distributor Application
$30 Retail Profit (paid to Sponsor)
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What is the first-time Director Performance Bonus and Marketing Tool Pack?
The first time you qualify for the Director Performance Bonus, you will receive your first-time Director Performance Bonus check and Marketing Tool Pack. The Marketing Tool Pack contains professionally designed tools such as the Simply the Best® brochure, Company Profile, Product Catalog, product brochures, training CD-ROMs, and DVDs. The Marketing Tool Pack contains everything you need to successfully present Sunrider and train your downline. It is also available for sale.
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Is Sunrider a pyramid scheme?
No! Sunrider is an international company with a stable, successful history. Sunrider provides its Distributors with outstanding products and a legitimate business opportunity. There are very important differences between an illegal pyramid scheme and a legitimate multilevel marketing (MLM) company like Sunrider:
Real products, real customers: Sunrider offers a wide variety of high-quality herbal food and supplements, skin care, and home products at a competitive price. Sunrider's business is based on repeat customers who enjoy our products. Our Distributors are our most loyal consumers. Pyramid schemes, however, do not offer a real product or will charge unreasonable prices for a cheap product.
Commissions based on product sales: Sunrider pays commissions and bonuses to Distributors solely based on their product sales, i.e., their sales volume. Sunrider does not compensate Distributors for merely recruiting or sponsoring another Distributor, nor does it charge high fees for marketing tools. On the other hand, pyramid schemes usually base compensation on recruiting new people and charge high fees for marketing tools because they don't have a legitimate product to sell.
Cost of joining Sunrider is low: The fee for the Starter Pack is comparable or even lower in comparison to other legitimate MLMs. Customers can also join for free. Pyramid schemes often require exorbitant fees to join because they make their profits on signing new recruits, not selling real products.
No inventory required: Because Sunrider bases its business on selling high-quality products to consumers, we do not require that Distributors maintain large inventories. In contrast, pyramid schemes may pressure or require you to purchase large inventories and training materials.
Anyone can make money: Making money in a pyramid scheme requires getting in at the "ground level." However, Sunrider's World Seamless Compensation Plan is fair and generous to all of our Distributors no matter what their level is, so anyone can make money at Sunrider if they are willing to work.*
* Sunrider makes no guarantee of any earnings or profits to any Distributor. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence and leadership.
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Are the negative stories I've heard about Sunrider true?
Sunrider is a successful international company operating in over 40 countries. Like every large global company, Sunrider has faced challenges, rumors and criticisms in its history. More importantly, it has weathered tough times and come through even stronger.
While we embrace the opportunities the Internet affords, we understand that people can post negative stories and criticisms about Sunrider or find disputes that have long been resolved. We feel that there is nothing to hide because we believe in the integrity of our business.
The book Journey to the Sun sets the record straight about Sunrider's remarkable story. In it you will learn about Dr. Tei-Fu Chen's life from his humble beginnings to the formation of Sunrider and the challenges he and Dr. Oi-Lin Chen faced in making Sunrider a successful global company. Sunrider continues to grow boldly and with greater knowledge and experience.
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Friday, December 7, 2007
Stevia News, Tips, Information, Frequently Asked Questions []

What is Stevia? Stevia is of the Composite family, related to lettuce, marigold and chicory. It was "Officially" discovered in the late 19th century by Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni. He was given samples of the plant and he reported that "one small piece of the leaf will keep the mouth sweet for an hour". He named the plant Stevia Rebuadiani Bertoni in honor of a Paraguayan chemist name Rebaudi. Bertoni found that the Guarani Indians had been using the leaves of the plant to sweeten bitter teas and as a sweet treat.
Is Stevia Safe? Stevia has been used since pre-Colombian times with no reports of ill side affects. Stevia has also withstood years of research that has proven Stevia to be safe for human and animal consumption.
I have heard that stevia has side effects?
* Toxic? – No. Stevia has been used in Japan since 1970 and there have been no reports of toxicity or other side effects.
* Mutagenic? – No. The Japanese Food and Drug Safety Center has found stevia not to be mutagenic. Only one study has shown stevia to be potentially a mutagenic and this study has been criticized for errors in procedure. Scientist in Great Britain said that according to the study's formula, distilled water is mutagenic.
* A contraceptive? Two studies showed stevia to have a contraceptive effect. The first study was done in Uruguay over 30 years ago and since then no one has been able to reproduce the results. The second study was done by a graduate student in Rio de Janeiro and the results and methods have been questionable. Multiple other studies have shown that stevia has no contraceptive effect.
* Is Stevia Safe? Absolutely. Stevia has been used around the world with NO reports of stevia overdose or toxicity to humans in the past forty years.
What are the benefits of Using Stevia? Studies have shown the following benefits from using Stevia in one's diet. These benefits have not been approved or confirmed by the FDA.
* Sugarless with no calories
* Will not effect blood sugar levels like sugar does.
* 100% Natural
* 250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar
* Heat stable to 200 degrees Celsius (392 degrees Fahrenheit)
* Non-fermentable
* Flavor enhancer
* Plaque retardant Anti-caries (prevents cavities)
* Recommended for diabetics
* Non-toxic Extensively tested in animals and Extensively used by humans with no adverse effects.
Where is Stevia Grown? Originally stevia grew wild in the highland region of Northern Paraguay and Southern Brazil. It was later cultivated for use as a sweetener until the introduction of sugar cane by the Spanish and Portuguese. Today Stevia is grown around the world from China, Japan and other Asian countries to South America, Europe, India, the Ukraine and even North America.
What are the types or forms of Stevia?
Types of Stevia:
- Stevia Leaves
* Fresh Leaves – Most pure form. 8 – 12% sweet glycosides : 5-8% Steviosides and 1-2% Rebaudioside A.
* Dried Leaves – Dried form of the fresh leaves. Used in brewing herbal teas and for making liquid extracts.
* Tea Cut Leaves – Cut into small pieces and sifted to remove twigs and other unwanted matter.
* Ground Leaves (Powder) - The dried leaves ground into a fine powder. Usually about 10 – 15 times sweeter than sugar. Used in teas and cooking but does not dissolve.
- Liquid Extracts
* Dark – A concentrated syrup derived from the dried leaves. Usually in a water and alcohol base. Sweetness varies between manufacturers. This form will offer the greater amount of benefits from the stevia plant.
* Clear – A solution of powdered steviosides dissolved in water, alcohol or glycerin.
- Powdered Extracts (STEVIOSIDES)
* 40 – 50% Sweet Glycosides – The processed form of the leaves to concentrate on the sweet glycosides by removing unwanted plant matter. An off white powder. Commonly referred to as "Stevioside".
* 80 – 95% Sweet Glycosides - The processed form of the leaves to concentrate on the sweet glycosides by removing unwanted plant matter. An off white powder. This powder is 200 – 300 times sweeter than sugar. Quality of the powder depends on purity of the glycosides (i.e. 80 – 95% pure) and the ratio of Rebaudioside A over Stevioside. The higher the ratio, the better the product. Commonly referred to as "Stevioside".
- Other Forms (STEVIA BLENDS)
* Due to the great strength of the Powdered Extracts, it is common to add a filler to "tone" down the strength so that the Stevioside is easier to use and more palatable. These fillers are usually some form of non-sweet food additive that has little to no nutritive value such as lactose or maltodextrin.
Does Stevia have the same qualities as sugar in cooking recipes?No! The molecular structures of sucrose and Stevioside are completely different. Sucrose (Sugar) when heated will caramelize making such delights as cookies, fudge and ... caramel, a possibility. Stevia will not. Some sweets, like caramel, is not possible, yet, but other sweets like cookies and fudge are possible if you can figure out how.
Will Stevia break down at high temperatures like saccrines or aspartame? No! The fact that stevia is heat stable is one of the real great properties of Stevia. Stevioside is heat stable to about 200 degrees Celsius (392 degrees Fahrenheit). So it can be used in almost any recipe.
Will Stevia act as a "fuel" for yeast in baking as sugar does? No! Stevia is non-fermentable and therefore will not act as a food source for yeast. (This is why stevia is great for anyone suffering from Candida!) Breads will still rise when baked but just not as big.
Why is Stevia just coming onto the market? Stevia has been around for a long time, even in the United States. Early studies on stevia go back to the 1950's but the United States is a nation chin deep in bureaucracy, dirty-politics and corruption. In the 1950's the sugar industry fought to prevent the use of Stevia in the United States. Today, the manufacturers of Nutrasweet (aspartame) have practically bought the FDA to prevent it's approval as a food additive and therefore a sugar substitute. If you don't believe me, contact 60 Minutes of CBS. In the Spring of 1997 they aired a report on how Nutrasweet "bought" influence with the FDA to force the approval of a sweetener that is now blamed for the illnesses and deaths of thousands of Americans.
Why does Stevia cost so much? There are many reasons actually. 1) Stevia is a plant that has to be cultivated before it can be used as a sweetener. This requires large investments of capital to buy plants, farms, equipment, etc. to grow and harvest the plants. There is also the expense of the equipment to process the leaves into the pure stevioside. 2) When compared to sugar and the artificial sweeteners, yes, it is expensive. Stevia is not widely cultivated like sugar is. Sugar is also a very expensive product to grow and process but with hundreds of countries growing and processing sugar, economics becomes a major factor in price. As for the chemical sweeteners, face facts, its nothing but a blend of cheap chemicals. That is why it is so profitable. 3) There are also some people in this business (stevia business) that either have inefficient and expensive suppliers or they are actually (yes I know this is hard to believe) overpricing for the sake of money. They sell low quality stevia and/or they sell stevia using tricky and even confusing marketing practices.
How come diet soft drinks are not sweetened with Stevia? The answer is simple: Money! The diet soft drink market is HUGH, worth billions of dollars and the manufacturer of Nutrasweet is not about to share that market. So the armies of lobbyist were called in to make sure the FDA did not allow the use of Stevia as a food ingredient thereby protecting their market. Nutrasweet has a patent on aspartame and that patent guarantees big profits where Stevia is a natural plant that can be grown by anyone and everyone.
Does Stevia have any effect on hypoglycemia? According to the report Effect of the Stevioside and of the aqueous extract of Stevia Rebaudiana (BERT) Bertoni on the glycemia of normal and diabetic rats By: Professor Carlos Eduardo Pinheiro, Presented to the II Brazilian Convention on Stevia rebaudiana (Bert) Bertoni - September 1982, they found that the use of Stevia did not produce any significant glycemic effects in normal or diabetic rats. In other words, stevia does not add sugar to the blood stream as sugar or even fruit can do. This allows the body to regulate the blood's sugar levels naturally. Of course if you drink tea with stevia with a twinkie, all bets are off but if you are careful with your diet, stevia is a wonderful way to satisfy your cravings for sweets without sugar.
Sunrider's Sunny Dew® supplement is a potent blend of stevia leaf extract and chrysanthemum flowers. Other brands commonly use a chemical reaction to process stevia, altering its natural structure. However, the stevia in SunnyDew® undergoes a unique purifying and concentration process that preserves the natural structure found in its whole food form.
Highly concentrated and all natural, SunnyDew® is an excellent supplement to your diet to help maintain normal blood sugar levels.*
Sunrider SunSmile Herbal Toothpaste

There are hundreds of toothpastes out there in the market, but none of them are as good as they really could be. They have fillers and substances which create foam (soap).
When Dr. Chen created the Sunsmile Toothpaste he wanted to break the typical toothpaste mold and start from scratch. Without looking at what had been done in the past, he created a product that could do what toothpaste is intended to do, clean the mouth, teeth and gums. He designed a new herbal toothpaste that is unparallel. It cleans the teeth without soap (sodium laurel sulfate), abrasives or harmful chemicals like fluoride to kill germs (Fluoride will etch anything, including glass; it actually eats up and dissolves tooth enamel). It does not have saccharin, artificial colors or flavorings.
To explain the uniqueness of SunSmile Toothpaste, Dr. Chen put micro-encapsulated enzymes into the toothpaste. These are enzymes which digest the food particles left between the teeth. When you brush your teeth the capsules break open and release enzymes into the mouth, cleaning up left over food particles that otherwise feed bacteria. Most toothpastes are designed to dissolve plaque or scrub it off. But, Dr. Chen goes straight to the source. If there is no food for bacteria to eat, plaque will not be created in the first place. Additionally, the toothpaste has neem oil which kills bacteria in the mouth and more herbs designed to nourish the gums than any other toothpaste on earth. The power of this toothpaste is unquestionable. There are hundreds of stories about people’s success in healing their gums and teeth with this toothpaste, ranging from gum sensitivity, to pockets in the gums, and less time in the dental chair getting cleanings.
It delivers powerful cleaning action without the potentially harmful ingredients found in regular toothpastes. Read the warning labels on retail brands, then feel the difference with SunSmile® Herbal Toothpaste.